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So when they ask "If you don't currently do this, would you like the opportunity to do so? For example: A shiftworker may want to work from 8am to 12pm, take a break until 4pm and then start working again until 8pm. Telstra does not say that your EBA rights to shift penalties or overtime for working beyond 7pm would be suspended. These are precious rights. It's a trap! POST PAID VACCINATION LEAVE
If you are being pressured to take the jab, contact us immediately and we will follow up. We note that Optus and Australia Post have confirmed that they are not mandating them. The ACTU emphasises that employers and unions recognise that for a small number of high-risk workplaces there may be a need for all workers in a workplace to be vaccinated to protect community health and safety. These are serious decisions that should not be left to individual employers and should only be made following public health advice based on risk and medical evidence. We do strongly encourage members, based on current health advice, to get vaccinated - and it is critical that members who have put themselves and their loved ones at risk throughout this pandemic are not prevented for a second longer from receiving a vaccine, should they desire one. MEMBER CORNER
Some of the achieved metrics included the targeted reductions in inbound call volumes as well as staff numbers. On call volumes, Penn said Telstra's aspiration "had been to reduce the number of calls to our contact centres by two thirds by FY22. That means that over time we will need smaller contact centres for these customers and more staff can work from home. "We are on track to have all inbound calls from our consumer and small business customers answered in Australia by June next year." We now have 80 per cent of our contact centre consultants in Australia choosing to work from home on any given day Telstra reported that it "reduced around 8300 net full-time roles, meeting its T22 commitment one year early, while also reducing 17,400 indirect roles and removing on average more than four management layers." To unlock the true value of our infrastructure, we reached a significant agreement with a high calibre consortium - comprising the Future Fund, Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation and Sunsuper - to sell 49% of our InfraCo Towers business for $2.8 billion. We will retain 51 per cent ownership and will still own the active parts of our network, ensuring we can continue to deliver the industry's leading mobile coverage and maintain our network leadership. Approximately 50 %, or up to $1.35 billion, of net proceeds of this deal will be returned to shareholders during FY22 via an on market share buy-back. POST EBA - VOTING TIME - VOTE NO CALL
Given these circumstances of exclusion, a number of the technical staff chose to use their rights under the Fair Work Act, and were nominated as formal bargaining agents by a number of their peers. This occurred in NSW and Victoria.
Technical Bargaining Agents met with representatives of Australian Post, including Scott Murphy and Tony Stavropoulos (HR) and commenced bargaining with the lodgement of a "log" of 20 items that were of particular importance to the Technical staff. Amongst those was pay, however this was considerably down the list.
Items included in the 20 items in the log were appropriate training, removal of casual staff, a separate EBA for techs, pay, allowances and super increases, limitations on the use of contractors in technical areas (clarification of what the term "mails" means - to include parcels clearly in that definition), promotion appeal changes, Board of Reference scope, facilitative agreement tightening, apprentices, Disability allowance clarification, consultative arrangements tightening, RRR appeal processes, O/T rates across public holidays, a national working party (similar to the last "Tech Grades review" of some 6 years ago. These claims were developed by your appointed bargaining reps, based on issues of concern over the years.
Post have basically rejected almost all of these claims. The Technical group has not really benefitted out of this negotiation. Some would argue that neither have most of the Post staff, but our focus is on the tech issues.
Given the current situation, we believe the current EBA proposal should be rejected, and the parties returned to the table to re-commence "good faith bargaining" in order to progress issues that are vital to the Australia Post techs.
The Vic T&S Branch, on behalf of its' technical staff members, and despite the 3% pay offer, urges you to reject (i.e. vote NO) and get the negotiations recommenced, with the inclusion of your Branch representatives into the bargaining group. This would allow the unresolved Technical issues to be agitated, and treated seriously, by Post management. JOHN ELLERY
The current Technical EBA provided for three pay increases:
During bargaining in 2018, it was known to the parties that there were significant delays in enterprise agreement approvals in Fair Work Australia "FWA". It was agreed that nbn would pay the first increase on the date of the "yes" vote, then every 12 months from the "yes" vote. For the Technical EBA this was July each year, and to ensure that there would not be a delay in employees receiving the increases they had voted in favour of. As it transpired the delay was six months in FWA.
As a result of paying the increase on the "yes" vote for the years referred to above, there is no nominated pay increase for July 2021. We are pleased to advise that nbn has decided to provide a discretionary pay increase of 1.75% to all EBA covered employees, so they can continue to benefit from a pay increase at 12- month intervals. For the Technical EBA this means a discretionary increase will be applied in the first full pay period in July 2021.
The discretionary increase is designed to cover the gap until July 2022. Any increases beyond that will be determined as part of bargaining for the next Enterprise Agreement.
All Employees covered by an enterprise agreement, including the Technical EBA, will see their superannuation contribution increase from 10% to 10.5% from the first full pay period after 1 July 2021. Nbn will fund the 0.5% increase to super contributions, so no requirement for employees to do so from their current remuneration.
Previous rounds of bargaining have provided for employees covered by the Technical EBA to receive superannuation at 10%, while salaried staff receive 9.5%. While it was open to nbn to have EBA covered employees remain at 10%, consistent with the EBA, nbn felt that was not in the spirit of what had been previously negotiated.
Overall, EBA covered employees' fixed remuneration will increase by a total of 2.25%. Consisting of the 1.75% wage increase plus 0.5% increase in superannuation. For employees covered by the Technical EBA the increases will be effective from 12 July 2021,
Authorised by Dan Dwyer Branch Secretary
Fact Sheets 2021