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The agreement is signed. At the foot of the Agreement:
12 HOUR SHIFT ARRANGEMENTS - PERTH MAIL CENTRE - OPERATING PRINCIPLES The following Operating Principles have been developed jointly by Australia Post and the CEPU against the background of continuous improvement to achieve best practice. While the Operating Principles meet Australia Post's business requirements today, the parties recognise that these Principles may require change as Australia Post continues its journey of continuous improvement in mail processing operations. Any changes to the Operating Principles will be subject to consultation in the normal manner. 1. Relationship to Parent Awards The following principles shall be read in conjunction with the Australia Post General Conditions of Employment (Interim) Award 1995 and the Australia Post Technical (Interim) Award 1995. The provisions of the Award/s shall apply, except to the extent of variations contained in the Operating Principles which are authorised in accordance with the provisions of Clause 11(b)(ii)(4) of the Australia Post Technical (Interim) Award 1995. 2. Shift Duration and Starting and Finishing Times 2.1 Each shift shall be of 12 hours 15 minutes duration. 2.2 Shift times shall be from 0615 hours to 1830 hours (Day Shift) and 1815 hours to 0630 hours (Night Shift). 2.3 To ensure the operational requirements are continually met, shift times will be subject to regular review. 3.1 Penalty payments will be in accordance with Award conditions and existing arrangements, eg, Day Shift will attract a 15% penalty and Night Shift a 30% penalty. 4.1 Overtime is not to be performed by an employee where it would fall within a period of 12 hours either side of that employee's normal shift, except in emergency situations where immediate relief is unavailable. In such situations overtime shall be restricted to 2 hours and shall be continuous with the employee's normal shift. 4.2 There will be occasions, particularly seasonal, when staff will be required to work Saturday overtime. In the event that there are no volunteers to perform Saturday overtime, staff will be rostered. 51 Where an employee is called for emergency duty during a period when the employee is rostered off, and was not informed of the requirement whilst on duty, the provisions of Clause 32 of the Australia Post General Conditions of Employment (Interim) Award 1995 shall apply, ie a minimum payment of 2 hours, including travelling time, at 200%. 6.1 The roster arrangements have agreed status and as such any variation shall be subject to agreement between the parties. 6.2 Swaps between employees on the roster should be avoided. Where required any swaps should be subject to the discretion of the Technical Services Manager, who is to ensure that adequate "between-shift" breaks are provided and fundamental Extended Shift (12 hours) Roster Principles are applied. 6.3 Relief is incorporated into each shift, however the provision of relief to meet operational and equipment preventative/breakdown maintenance priorities will be decided by the Shift Leader in conjunction with the Technical Services Manager/Shift Production Manager after applying the "test of essentiality", and considering the requirement to maintain safe and healthy work practices.
7.1 Meals will be taken "on-duty" such that two paid meal breaks of 30 minutes duration shall be taken on each shift. 7.2 Provided that no employee is required to work for a continuous period of more than five hours without a meal break, the time of taking meal breaks shall be agreed between the employee and Shift Leader, after due consideration of mail processing and technical operations. 7.3 Meal breaks are to be structured to ensure that full operational coverage is provided throughout each 12 hour 15 minute shift. 7.4 Staff shall remain on-site and be available for duty during paid meal breaks. 8.1 Accrual of Annual Recreation Leave will be based on four (4) weeks at 36-3/4 hours per week. 8.2 For the purposes of additional recreation leave provided by Clause 40 of the Australia Post General Conditions of Employment (Interim) Award 1995, the working of two (2) shifts AO be deemed to be the equivalent of working three (3) ordinary time shifts. 9.1 Sick leave accrual will be based on 110 hours 15 minutes full pay per year. 9.2 Sick leave taken will be deducted from credits according to the actual number of hours taken, ie 12 hours 15 minutes for one shift. 9.3 The number of hours sick leave allowed without the production of a medical certificate in any sick leave year is to be regarded as 36-3/4 hours. 9.4 Three consecutive days sick leave, for the purposes of the meaning of paragraph 14.12.7 (c) and (1) of Australia Post's HR Manual, shall be read as 24 hours 30 minutes in consecutive shifts. 10.1 All details and entitlements relating to Long Service Leave will remain unaltered, ie, accrual will be at the rate 9.15 days for each completed year of service. 11.1 Special Leave entitlements are to be read as 3 shifts. 11.2 Bereavement Leave entitlements are to be read as 3 shifts. 11.3 For all other leave entitlements, an extended (12 hour 15 minute) shift will be regarded in hours and minutes. 12.1 Performance of duties in a higher position for one shift will, subject to normal higher duties principles, accrue 12 hours 15 minutes (1 day 4 hours 54 minutes based on a 7 hour 21 minute day) towards a higher duties increment. 12.2 A higher duties commitment will accrue after 261 days of higher duties is performed, based on a 7 hour 21 minute day, in any two year period. 12.3 Leave which affects higher duties service will do so at the equivalent rate of one shift per absence, except for part shift absences. 13.1 Where an employee is rostered off on a Public Holiday and is not able to be released for a day's leave in lieu, in accordance with Clause 38 (d) of the Australia Post General Conditions of Employment (Interim) Award 1995, the employee will be paid one day's pay in its stead (12 hours 15 minutes) at the ordinary rate. These arrangements will be introduced on 7 January 1999. The arrangements will be subject to review by the parties after a period of 8 weeks, after which, with the agreement of the parties, the arrangements may be introduced on a permanent basis. for the CEPU (Telecommunications and Services Branch) WA for Australia Post 30-12-1998 |