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Telstra - NTG Enterprise Agreement 2002-5
Part 1 - Your Employment Arrangement
This agreement shall be known as the Telstra NTG Enterprise Agreement 2002-5 ("Agreement").
2.1 Workstreams Your job will be allocated to a Workstream. The arrangements that apply to each of the Workstreams are contained in Part 3 of this Agreement. The Workstream definitions are contained in clause 11.2. 2.2 Movement of Employees Movement to another job will be on the basis of merit selection. Where a job requires you to be licensed or to possess relevant permits or formal qualifications, those requirements will be specified in individual job descriptions; otherwise there will be no mandatory qualifications for any job, in any Workstream. 3. Australian Workplace Agreements
3.1 Telstra may enter into an Australian Workplace Agreement ("AWA") with any employee covered by this Agreement. The AWA may operate to the exclusion of this Agreement or prevail over its terms to the extent of any inconsistency. The employee will remain subject to the terms of that AWA until that AWA is terminated or replaced by another AWA. After the expiry date of a employee's AWA she or he may choose to apply to terminate that AWA in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996. 3.2 It is a term of this Agreement that employees who are party to an AWA that expired before this Agreement was certified will remain subject to the terms of those AWAs. An employee who is not currently subject to the terms of an AWA will not be required to enter into an AWA for their existing job. If an AWA is offered to that employee she or he may accept or reject that offer. 3.3 Where an employee is offered an AWA when transferred or promoted she or he will have the choice of accepting or rejecting any new AWA. Where an employee rejects an AWA offered under this sub-clause the transfer or promotion will occur and either: 3.3.1 this Agreement applies for those employees not already subject to an AWA; or 3.3.2 if they are already subject to an AWA, that AWA applies and they will be paid the appropriate rate of pay for that position.
4.1 Employment Arrangements 4.1.1 Telstra may employ you to work arrangements that are:
4.1.2 There is no limitation on the number and/or use of any type of work arrangement. 4.2 Part Time Employment You are a part time employee if you are engaged to work less than 36 3/4 hours per week. If you are a part time employee you will be eligible for the benefits of this Agreement, and those in the relevant awards, on a pro rata basis. 4.3 Casual Employment 4.3.1 You are a casual employee if you are engaged to work as a casual. 4.3.2 Casual employees may only be employed in accordance with a Telstra award that applies to them. 4.4 Flexible Worker If you are a Flexible Worker you are subject to the terms and conditions set out in Schedule D to this Agreement and not to any other terms and conditions set out in this Agreement (unless specified in Schedule D) or any award (including but not limited to the Telstra Corporation General Conditions Award 2001 "GC Award")).
5.1 If you work full time If you are a full time employee (other than a shift worker), your ordinary hours of work will be 36 3/4 hours per week, worked between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday. There will be an unpaid meal break after no longer than 5 hours of continuous work. The meal break will be at least 30 minutes in length and no more than one hour, except in areas where the Flexible Working Hours Scheme operates (this scheme is unrelated to Flexible employee covered this agreement), where the meal break may be longer. Within these parameters, the timing of the meal break will be at the discretion of your manager, taking into account any individual requirements. If you work in the Northern Territory, the daily span will start and finish half an hour earlier. 5.2 Start and finish times Within the span of 7am to 7pm, your normal start and finish times will be determined by your relevant manager, based on customer and operational need and following discussions with you. The discussion with you will have regard to your preferences and family responsibilities. However, customer needs and operational requirements will be a significant consideration in determining start and finish times and your daily pattern of work. Outcomes will be distributed fairly across the work group. 5.3 Method of working ordinary hours 5.3.1 Your ordinary hours may be worked in any pattern which provides for an average of 36 3/4 hours per week. However, areas of Telstra which currently operate under the Flexible Working Hours Scheme (based on 7 hours 21 minutes per day) or a nine-day fortnight (consisting of 8 hours 10 minutes per day) will continue to have access to those arrangements in a manner consistent with this Agreement, having regard to, in particular, those matters contained in clauses 5.2 and 5.5. 5.4 Committed Scheduling 5.4.1 For employees working ordinary hours between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday in Customer Call Centres, except for employees covered by clause 6.6 of this Agreement, a Committed Scheduling arrangement will apply in accordance with the following principles. Committed Scheduling covers the full range of work functions including call handling and non-call handling activities. 5.4.2 The Centre Manager will determine the timing and the need for the introduction of the scheme. You will be scheduled to work a total of 147 hours over a four-week period, averaging 36 3/4 hours per week. You will be scheduled to work no more than 10 hours per day and no less than 5 hours per day. 5.4.3 Schedule options will be developed on a four-weekly cycle and take into consideration the needs of the business, together with the needs and preferences of employees. 5.4.4 Individual schedules will include predetermined daily commencement, finish and meal break times plus up to two scheduled days off over a four-week period. The allocation of schedules to a centre will be based on the number of requested days off by employees in that centre. 5.4.5 Allocation of individual schedules will be based on the needs of the business and your preferences. Where there are gaps between the required schedule numbers and your preferences, all final schedules will be determined by the Centre Manager. 5.4.6 You will receive a minimum of one week's notice of your four-weekly schedule. The intent is to minimise variations in individual start times within a schedule and from schedule to schedule. 5.4.7 It is recognised that circumstances will arise from time to time that lead to employees not meeting scheduled start and finish times. The supervisor will have discretion to facilitate alternative arrangements where appropriate. 5.4.8 You may initiate schedule swaps, subject to the prior approval of your supervisor where there is no impact on the business. 5.4.9 Overtime will be paid where you work beyond scheduled hours and the supervisor does not facilitate time in lieu arrangements. 5.4.10 All unplanned leave will be recorded as equal to the amount of time you were scheduled to work that day. 5.4.11 If you are transferring from a site covered by this clause, the timing of the move will take into account the balance of hours worked; if the hours worked are in excess of the 36 3/4 hour weekly average, your supervisor will arrange time off in lieu. 5.5 If you work part time 5.5.1 As a part time employee (other than a shift worker) your ordinary hours of work will be scheduled in the period between 7am and 7pm, on any day between Monday to Friday. Your minimum daily hours of part time work will be no less than 3 hours. Telstra or you may vary your part time hours of work by agreement. 5.5.2 If you commence part time employment (even if you were already employed by Telstra), after 21 December 2000 your hours of work may be varied on the same basis that they are varied for a full time employee working in an equivalent job in the same area. 5.5.3 As a part time employee, you will have reasonably predictable hours of work.
6.1 Hours of work for shift workers You may be engaged on shift work. The ordinary hours of work for shift work will:
6.2 Shift arrangements If you are scheduled to work shift where any part of the ordinary hours on that shift falls between the hours of 7pm and 7am Monday to Friday, you will be paid an additional 15% of your salary for all ordinary hours worked on that shift. Where you are required to work your ordinary hours for a period exceeding four weeks on a shift falling wholly within the hours of 6pm and 8am, you will be paid an additional 30% of your salary for that shift. 6.3 Transitional arrangements Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 6.2, where as a result of a certified agreement superseded by the Infrastructure Services and Wholesale Enterprise Agreement 2000, you received shift penalties for work commencing after 7am or finishing before 7pm, those provisions will continue to apply under this Agreement for 12 months from the date this Agreement comes into effect. However, those provisions will not apply to you if you join one of the groups affected, where current employees are being paid as provided for in this clause (6.3). The provisions of clause 6.2 will apply instead. 6.4 Shift work CFW/TW If you are in a CFW or TW job, the shift provisions in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 above, will apply together with the provisions of clause 12.2 of Telstra/CEPU Technical and Trades Staff (Salaries and Specific Conditions of Employment) Award 2001, and clause 12.2, 12.2.1 and 12.6 of the Telstra/CPSU Award 2001 as varied from time to time. 6.5 Extra week's leave for continuous shift workers If you are a seven day shift worker, that is, you are rostered to and work shifts regularly on Sundays and Public Holidays, you will be eligible for an additional week's annual leave after 10 Sundays worked as part of a seven day shift. Where less than 10 Sundays are worked as part of a seven day shift roster, additional leave will be proportionate ie 1/2 day for each Sunday worked. Where a seven day shift worker works an overtime shift on a Sunday, that work will constitute Sunday work for the purposes of this clause, provided that the overtime shift must be no less than the normally rostered shift hours. The additional week's leave will be for seven consecutive days and includes non working days. Clause 6.5 overrides clause 23.1.2 of the GC Award.
7.1 If you are a full time employee 7.1.1 Telstra may require you to work reasonable overtime. If you are a full time employee, and you are authorised to work overtime, you will be paid at the overtime rates prescribed in the relevant Award for overtime worked. 7.1.2 If you are a CFW or TW employee, the provisions of clause 14 of the Telstra/CEPU Technical and Trades Staff (Salaries and Specific Conditions of Employment) Award 2001, as varied from time to time, will apply. 7.2 If you are a part time employee 7.2.1 As a part time employee you may be requested, but not required, to work overtime. Overtime, when worked and authorised, will be paid at the rates provided in clause 7.2.2, after you have worked ordinary hours equivalent to a full time employee, or weekly hours exceeding 36 3/4. 7.2.2 You will be paid overtime rates as follows:
7.2.3 If you work additional time, which is not overtime as defined, the additional time worked will be paid for at the ordinary time rate. Any additional hours paid at ordinary time will count for the pro rata accrual of annual leave and sick leave.
8.1 You will have at least 10 consecutive hours off work (inclusive of reasonable travelling time) between periods of ordinary hours work. 8.2
8.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 8.2 above, where overtime is worked under the relevant Award Emergency Duty provisions, rest relief will only apply when the time worked is at least three hours (including travelling time) on each call. 8.4 The provisions of this clause do not apply where you wish to change your scheduled shift, and your manager agrees to the change.
If you are employed in a CSSW job that was previously covered by a certified agreement in place prior to 22 December 2000, you will continue to have access to the Rest Breaks under the same arrangements as previously provided in the relevant prior certified agreement.
10.1 If you are employed in a job in the CSSW or SW, and your Actual Salary exceeds $59,909pa (from the First Increase Date), $61,107pa (from the Second Increase Date), $62,329pa (from the Third Increase Date), $63,576pa (from the Fourth Increase Date), and $64,847pa (from the Fifth Increase Date), (including Temporary Assignment Allowance), you will not be eligible to receive the payments prescribed in clause 7 (Overtime) and paragraph 3 of Schedule B (Essential Customer Servicing), or additional payments relating to rostered work on public holidays or excess travelling time contained in the GC Award. 10.2 If you are employed in a job in the CSSW, SW, TPW, CFW or TW above Band 8 (including on Temporary Assignment Allowance), you will not be eligible to receive the payments prescribed in clause 7 (Overtime) and paragraph 3 of Schedule B (Essential Customer Servicing) or additional payments relating to rostered work on public holidays, or excess travelling time contained in the GC Award. 10.3 The exclusion in clause 10.2 does not apply to you if you are a CFW or TW employee whose job is that of a technical specialist graded at, or above Band 8. 10.4 The exclusion in clause 10.2 does not apply to you if you are a TPW employee whose job is that of a technical specialist graded at Band 9. Part 3 - Workstream arrangements and increases
11.1 General Definitions
11.2 Workstream Definitions 11.2.1 Customer Sales and Service Workstream means employees who are employed in the NTG Business Unit in those jobs in which employees are engaged principally in: the sale of products and services; managing of enquiries for Telstra customers; fault reporting - who are not covered in the Customer Field Workstream and Technical Workstream; telesales; billing and credit management; and the direct supervision and direct support of employees employed in these functions. 11.2.2 Support Workstream means employees who are employed in the NTG Business Unit in the classifications specified in the Awards listed in Schedule C of this Agreement and who are engaged in work in Australia that is not in the Technical Workstream, Customer Field Workstream, Technology Professional Workstream or the Customer Sales and Service Workstream. This coverage excludes those employees covered by any of the Agreements specified in clause 20 of this Agreement. 11.2.3 Customer Field Workstream means employees who are employed in the NTG Business Unit and who are engaged in Customer Access Network (CAN) construction and/or in the end-to-end installation, operation, maintenance and repair of all services for customers and/or in the supervision and/or direct operational support of such employee and the Testers in the service assurance call centres and who are otherwise covered by the awards specified in Schedule C of this Agreement. 11.2.4 Technical Workstream means employees who are employed in the NTG Business Unit and who are engaged in applying practical skills and knowledge to the technical aspects of voice, data, video and information technology and those engaged in the direct supervision of these employees. The work is focused on applying, either directly or in coaching others, technical know how to solve problems around technical practices. It requires a suitable practical background. The exercise of technical judgement is required within a specific discipline or area of technical work. 11.2.5 Technology Professional Workstream means employees who are employed in the NTG Business Unit and who are engaged in applying theoretical skills and knowledge to voice, data, video and information technologies and related architecture and those engaged in the direct supervision of these employees. The work is focused on applying, either directly or in coaching others, first principles to solve problems of a conceptual or novel nature in relation to the above technologies and architecture. It is characterised by longer term planning horizons. The work is undertaken within higher degrees of autonomy in determining the conceptual approach. 11.3 Grandfathering Definitions The following definitions only apply to employees who are entitled to a Grandfathered Allowance as set out in either clause 12.2.3 or clause12.5(b) of this Agreement ("Grandfathered Employees"): A Grandfathered Employee's "Actual Salary" is the sum of the Company Rate for her or his job plus a Grandfathered Allowance. "Grandfathered Allowance" is an annualised allowance which is paid fortnightly and calculated as the difference between an employee's Actual Salary and the Company Rate for their job. Any Grandfathered Allowance will be paid in accordance with either clause 12.2.3 or clause 12.5(b) of this Agreement. "Accelerated Increment Payment" is a one off payment (made in accordance with clause 12.2.5 of this Agreement) which is calculated as the difference between the highest possible increment level for the classification/designation the Grandfathered Employee was working at on the date immediately prior to this Agreement coming into effect and the greater of either their Actual Salary or the equivalent Company Rate for their job immediately prior to this Agreement coming into effect, whichever is the greater.
The following principles apply to the operation of the Workstreams and operation of this Agreement. The work in each Workstream will be evaluated in accordance with the Telstra Job Evaluation and Classification System, and these principles. Foot note: A copy of the current Telstra Job Evaluation and Classification System will be tendered as an exhibit in the Australian Industrial Relations Commission proceedings for the certification of this Agreement 12.1 The Telstra Job Evaluation and Classification System 12.1.1 Each Band, within a Workstream, will have agreed representative Core Job Descriptions. There may be more than one Core Job Description for each Band. Core Job Descriptions will form part of this Agreement. 12.1.2 As part of the job evaluation and classification process, managers will design any new jobs that will go into the Workstream. Should the Parties to this Agreement be unable to reach agreement on the appropriate grading of new jobs, the matter will be referred for review to a review team consisting of:
A majority of the three-person team will determine the outcome and this outcome will be binding on the Parties to this Agreement without recourse to any further review or appeal. 12.1.3 Core jobs will not be changed, reviewed or altered except by agreement between the Parties, and without the involvement of any third party, during the period of operation of this Agreement. 12.2 Transition of employees to Workstreams and Grandfathered Employees 12.2.1 At the commencement of this Agreement the previous classification/designation system as provided for in the Awards listed in Schedule C will no longer apply. 12.2.2 Subject to clause 12.2.3, the jobs performed by all employees whose employment is covered by the terms of this Agreement are now allocated to a Workstream and Band and from the date of the commencement of this Agreement will be paid the applicable Company Rate contained in Schedule A. 12.2.3 If on the date immediately prior to this Agreement coming into effect an employee was paid an Actual Salary that was greater than the Company Rate for their job, then from the commencement of this Agreement such an employee will be paid a Grandfathered Allowance in addition to the Company Rate. 12.2.4 A pro-rata portion of the Grandfathered Allowance will be paid fortnightly. 12.2.5 You will be paid an Accelerated Increment Payment (as defined in clause 11.3), on one occasion only, if you are a Grandfathered Employee and on the date immediately prior to this Agreement coming into effect you:
12.2.6 The Accelerated Increment Payment will be paid to Grandfathered Employees on or before the first pay period after the date this Agreement comes into effect subject to clause 12.2.5. 12.2.7 Following the Accelerated Increment Payment being paid, increments will no longer apply to any employee. 12.3 Australian Qualifications Framework ("AQF") Where relevant Australian National Training Authority endorsed Training Packages (including AQF Qualifications) exist or are developed, Workstreams and jobs covered by this Agreement, will be aligned to them, and they will be applied to employees working in those jobs. Telstra will recognise prior learning in accordance with those Training Packages. Telstra is committed to ensuring that individual Recognition of Prior Learning ("RPL") will be given. This may be arranged through the Performance Review and Development Process, or commenced at any other appropriate time. Arrangements may be made for the block recognition of prior formal training and qualifications to align these qualifications with the Training Package AQF Qualifications. The above is dependant upon Telstra Advanced Learning, or its successor, attaining the relevant Training Package on its Scope of Registration. 12.4 Job Movement Rules - Voluntary Transfer and Promotion 12.4.1 Subject to clause 12.4.2, if you choose to move to another job or are promoted, including to a job in another Workstream or Band, you will be paid the Company Rate for your new job. 12.4.2 If you are a Grandfathered Employee and you choose to move to another job or are promoted:
12.5 Telstra Transfers and Redeployees If you are transferred by Telstra to a new job covered by this Agreement, where the work is substantially the same, or you are redeployed under the Telstra Redundancy Agreement 2002 the following provisions will apply to you and the salary maintenance provisions of the Telstra Redundancy Agreement (clause 15.2) will not apply to you:
12.6 Temporary assignment to a higher position If you are temporarily occupying a higher position, you will receive the Company Rate for the job to which you have been temporarily assigned. If you are a Grandfathered Employee, any Grandfathered Allowance that you are being paid will automatically adjust to ensure that your Actual Salary is retained for the period of your temporary assignment. 13. Customer Field Workstream (CFW)
13.1 Structure of CFW Work In the CFW, the basic field workforce structure is a team. A team will cover either a geographic area or an overlaying specialist activity for a number of geographic team areas. A team will be headed by a Team Leader and consist of a variable number of generalist and/or specialist employees. 13.2 Multi-functional work provisions - CFW 13.2.1 In the CFW you may be requested to perform any CFW function at or below your work Band and if you have the necessary tool set (ie. Training/Competency, Tools, required Equipment, Vehicle) you will use your skills and abilities to complete the task competently. 13.2.2 You may also be requested to perform higher level functions, typical of higher Bands in the CFW, in a temporary capacity during times of peak work load or for employee development purposes, where you have the appropriate tool set. Such requests should be the exception, not the rule, in work allocation and usually would result from jeopardy avoidance or an urgent, first-in response requirement. You are expected to use your skills and abilities to complete the task competently. 13.2.3 If you are required to frequently work at a higher Band, consideration will be given to an ongoing requirement for a higher Band job. 13.3 Log on and Travel Arrangements 13.3.1 Field-Based Employees - Travel to Worksites
13.3.2 Start of Day procedures - First job received on the day These procedures apply where you receive your first job of the day by logging on to an automated dispatch terminal, where one is provided, or by other means, eg telephone/ electronic. The procedures in clause 13.5.2 do not apply to you if you receive your first job of the day the previous evening.
13.3.3 Start of Day procedures - First job received the night before These procedures apply where you receive your first job of the day by an automated dispatch terminal, where one is provided, or by other means, eg telephone/electronic, the night before the following working day.
(iv) "Work area" means the geographical area in which an employee is normally expected to work. The geographical work area is determined by the volume of work undertaken by a team member under a team leader. This work area can be described by a number of telephone exchanges. Employees are allocated to a work area and these work areas will be the points of reference to calculate any arrangements contemplated in clause 13.3.7. 13.3.4 Where an Employee Lives Outside Their Work Area Where you live outside your work area, time spent travelling between your home and the boundary of the work area whether going to or returning from work, will also be deemed as unpaid work in addition to the unpaid 30 minutes travel time described in clauses 13.3.2 (a) (iii) and 13.3.3 (a) (ii) above. 13.3.5 Where an Employee is Required to Travel to Another Work Area Where you are required to start work in another work area, you will not be required to travel in your own time for a period greater than that described in clause 13.3.4 above. 13.3.6 End of Day Procedures Employees (covered by clauses 13.3.2, 13.3.3, 13.3.4 and 13.3.5) will be expected to travel for the same time period (unpaid) described above in order to return home at the end of each day. Where travel will exceed this travel time you should contact your supervisor/Work Management Centre as necessary due to local circumstances, to seek direction on whether you should leave early or overtime should be worked. 13.3.7 Transfer to Another Work Area In the case of permanent transfer to another work area, the appropriate relocation policy applicable, from time to time will apply. 13.3.8 Return of Motor Vehicles During any industrial dispute involving employees covered by this Agreement, if so directed, an employee must deliver his/her Telstra provided vehicle to a place nominated by Telstra, and provide the keys of that vehicle to a person nominated by Telstra. 14. Multi-functional work provisions - TW and TPW
14.1.1 In the TW you may be requested to perform any TW function at or below your work Band. In the TPW, you may be requested to perform any TPW function at or below your work Band. If you have the necessary tool set (ie. Training/ Competency, Tools, required Equipment, Vehicle) you will use your skills and abilities to complete the task competently. 14.1.2 You may also be requested to perform higher level functions, typical of higher Bands in the TW or the TPW, respectively, in a temporary capacity during times of peak work load or for employee development purposes, where you have the appropriate tool set. Such requests should be the exception, not the rule, in work allocation and usually would result from jeopardy avoidance or an urgent, first-in response requirement. You are expected to use your skills and abilities to complete the task competently. 14.1.3 If you are required to frequently work at a higher Band, consideration will be given to an ongoing requirement for a higher Band job. Part 4 - Salary arrangements, special arrangements, leave and allowances
15.1 On the First Increase Date, every employee covered by the terms of this Agreement (except flexible workers employed pursuant to clause 4.4 and Schedule D) will be paid a salary increase of 2% of the Company Rate for his or her Workstream and Band; 15.2 On the Second Increase Date, every employee covered by the terms of this Agreement will be paid a salary increase of 2% of the Company Rate for his or her Workstream and Band; 15.3 On the Third Increase Date, every employee covered by the terms of this Agreement will be paid a salary increase of 2% of the Company Rate for his or her Workstream and Band; 15.4 On the Fourth Increase Date, every employee covered by the terms of this Agreement will be paid a salary increase of 2% of the Company Rate for his or her Workstream and Band; and 15.5 On the Fifth Increase Date, every employee covered by the terms of this Agreement will be paid a salary increase of 2% of the Company Rate for his or her Workstream and Band. 15.6 The Company Rates that apply for the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Increase Dates are set out in Schedule A.
Annual leave accrues on a pro-rata basis and may be taken by you at your initiative following such accrual, subject to the agreement of your manager. The quantum of annual leave, afforded to you, and other arrangements relating to the payment and taking of such leave, continue to be regulated by the GC Award.
17.1 The rates for the Allowances referred to in Schedule B are payable from the First Increase Date. Part 5 - Operation of the Agreement
18. Who this Agreement applies to
18.1 This agreement applies to:
who are covered by an award binding on Telstra (the "Parties"). 18.2 The unions bound by this Agreement are:
19. When this Agreement applies
19.1 This Agreement applies from the date of certification. Its nominal expiry date will be 30 months from the date of certification of this Agreement. 19.2 Telstra and the unions referred to in clause 18.2 will commence discussions for the purposes of negotiating an agreement to replace this Agreement 3 months before the nominal expiry date of this Agreement.
Employees whose employment is covered by any of the following agreements are excluded from this Agreement:
21. Operation of the Agreement
21.1 This Agreement operates as follows. Subject to relevant legislation, it overrides the operation of any Award or Certified Agreement binding on Telstra to the extent of any inconsistency. It supersedes and replaces the:
21.2 The Parties agree that Telstra will apply to terminate any of the above agreements with effect from the date of certification of this Agreement and the unions will consent to any such application.
The Parties agree that this Agreement is in settlement of all enterprise bargaining claims for the life of this Agreement. There will be no extra claims by the Parties for the duration of this Agreement. 23. Dispute avoidance/resolution
23.1 The Parties are committed to avoiding industrial disputation. 23.2 Telstra aims to provide a productive, rewarding, safe and non discriminatory work environment for its employees. This environment should be characterised by co-operation, mutual respect and open communication between employees and managers. 23.3 Where employees experience work-related problems, in the first instance the matter may be raised with their immediate supervisor who will attempt to resolve the problem within a reasonable time, ie within two (2) working days. Telstra acknowledges the right of employees who are union members to raise the matter with their union's representative who may become involved in the discussion at any stage of the process. 23.4 If the matter cannot be resolved with the employees' supervisor, it may be taken to the supervisor's manager who will seek resolution within two (2) working days, failing which the assistance of a more senior manager may be sought. 23.5 If the matter has not been progressed to the satisfaction of the Parties within six (6) working days from the time it was first raised with the supervisor, it may be referred to the relevant Managing Director and the General Manager-Employee Relations of the Business Unit and principals of the union for resolution within five (5) working days. During the period referred to in clauses 23.1 to 23.5 inclusive, normal work will continue and Telstra will not implement the matters in dispute. After completion of these steps, Telstra may implement the matters in dispute without prejudice to the final resolution of the matter. 23.6 If the matter still remains unresolved, the Parties may refer it to an agreed mediator, which may be the Australian Industrial Relations Commission ("the Commission"). The role of the mediator is limited to providing assistance to the Parties in an attempt to address and, if possible, resolve the matter in dispute by mediation/ conciliation as quickly as possible. 23.7 The Parties agree that the General Manager-Employee Relations of the Business Unit and the relevant union officials may agree to waive these time limits in whatever manner is necessary to aid dispute resolution. However, the importance of the nominated manager and union officials accepting responsibility for the issues within the agreed timeframes is also acknowledged by the Parties. 23.8 Nothing in these procedures will:
24.1 The Parties recognise that the Telecommunications Industry is becoming more competitive and continues to be subject to significant change. 24.2 Against this background, Telstra remains committed to providing secure employment for employees in a manner consistent with prudent management. 24.3 Telstra acknowledges that some business decisions will impact on employees' personal and working lives and is committed to minimising any adverse impact to the extent practicable. The following Consultative Arrangement will assist in this. 24.4 Where Telstra proposes to introduce significant business initiatives or major changes, which have a demonstrable impact on employees (including Telstra policy which affects employment conditions), managers will consult with the employees who may be affected by the proposed changes and their union as early as practicable. A demonstrable impact on employees will arise in circumstances such as major changes in technology, outsourcing, or the composition, operation or size of Telstra's workforce or in the skills required, the elimination or diminution of job opportunities. 24.5 Telstra will consult with the employees affected and their union(s) on the introduction of the changes referred to in clause 24.4, the effect the changes are likely to have on employees, and where possible the measures to avert or mitigate the adverse effects of such changes on employees. Further, Telstra will give consideration to matters raised by the employees and/or the union(s) in relation to the changes and give reasons for its decisions.
Workstream Classification Company Rates (per anum) CSSW First Second Third Fourth Fifth Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Date Date Date Date Date Band 1 $31,824 $32,460 $33,110 $33,772 $34,447 Band 2 $33,415 $34,084 $34,765 $35,460 $36,170 Band 3 $35,537 $36,248 $36,972 $37,712 $38,466 Band 4 $36,598 $37,330 $38,076 $38,838 $39,614 Band 5 $38,189 $38,953 $39,732 $40,526 $41,337 Band 6 $46,675 $47,609 $48,561 $49,532 $50,523 Band 7 $50,918 $51,937 $52,976 $54,035 $55,116 Band 8 $55,162 $56,265 $57,390 $58,538 $59,709 SW Band 1 $32,545 $33,196 $33,860 $34,537 $35,228 Band 2 $35,147 $35,850 $36,567 $37,298 $38,044 Band 3 $36,480 $37,210 $37,954 $38,713 $39,487 Band 4 $38,061 $38,823 $39,599 $40,391 $41,199 Band 5 $41,476 $42,306 $43,152 $44,015 $44,895 Band 6 $45,766 $46,682 $47,615 $48,568 $49,539 Band 7 $50,197 $51,201 $52,225 $53,270 $54,335 Band 8 $55,859 $56,976 $58,116 $59,278 $60,464 Band 9 $61,397 $62,625 $63,877 $65,155 $66,458 Band 10 $71,210 $72,634 $74,087 $75,569 $77,080 Band 11 $75,020 $76,520 $78,051 $79,612 $81,204 TW Band 1 $31,868 $32,505 $33,155 $33,818 $34,495 Band 2 $38,421 $39,190 $39,974 $40,773 $41,589 Band 3 $41,254 $42,079 $42,921 $43,779 $44,655 Band 4 $45,057 $45,959 $46,878 $47,815 $48,772 Band 5 $51,026 $52,046 $53,087 $54,149 $55,232 Band 6 $53,281 $54,346 $55,433 $56,542 $57,673 Band 7 $55,590 $56,702 $57,836 $58,993 $60,172 Band 8 $61,442 $62,671 $63,924 $65,202 $66,507 Band 9 $69,085 $70,466 $71,876 $73,313 $74,779 Band 10 $74,119 $75,602 $77,114 $78,656 $80,229 TPW Band 8 $61,442 $62,671 $63,924 $65,202 $66,507 Band 9 $69,085 $70,466 $71,876 $73,313 $74,779 Band 10 $82,742 $84,397 $86,085 $87,807 $89,563 Band 11 $86,986 $88,725 $90,500 $92,310 $94,156 Band 12 $88,152 $89,916 $91,714 $93,548 $95,419 CFW Band 1 $31,868 $32,505 $33,155 $33,818 $34,495 Band 2 $38,421 $39,190 $39,974 $40,773 $41,589 Band 3 $41,254 $42,079 $42,921 $43,779 $44,655 Band 4 $45,057 $45,959 $46,878 $47,815 $48,772 Band 5 $51,026 $52,046 $53,087 $54,149 $55,232 Band 6 $53,281 $54,346 $55,433 $56,542 $57,673 Band 7 $55,590 $56,702 $57,836 $58,993 $60,172 Band 8 $61,442 $62,671 $63,924 $65,202 $66,507 Band 9 $66,356 $67,683 $69,037 $70,418 $71,826 Band 10 $70,219 $71,623 $73,056 $74,517 $76,007
1. Wearing of breathing apparatus allowance If you are required to work in areas where asbestos is evident you will wear respiratory protective equipment supplied by Telstra. The respiratory equipment will conform, where relevant, to the Australian Standard 1716 (Specification for Respiratory Devices). You will be paid a Breathing Apparatus Allowance at the rate of $1.41 for each hour worked in such an area. 2. Linguistic allowance
If you are directed to perform, in addition to your other work, work which consists of:
3. Essential customer servicing 3.1 Scheduling Arrangements 3.1.1
3.1.2 Your scheduling for the purposes of this clause will be based on a weekly cycle as follows:
3.2 Payment for work 3.2.1 For the purposes of this clause, return to duty may either be undertaken via remote access, by providing technical advice over the telephone or a return to the worksite as the work requires. 3.2.2 No payment will be made to you under this clause where you have been appropriately scheduled but you do not, or cannot, to the required degree of readiness, respond to a call to duty.
3.2.3 The GC Award provision relating to emergency work payments does not apply where you are recalled to duty in terms of clause 2.2, whilst in a situation covered by this clause. 3.2.4 If you are not scheduled in accordance with clause 2 but you are contacted to perform duty at home you will be paid at double time for the actual time worked subject to a minimum payment of one hour. 3.2.5 The current rest relief provisions in respect of emergency work, contained in clause 8.3 of this Agreement, will apply to work in terms of this clause. 3.2.6 If you are called upon to perform work at home, which can be effectively performed at home, but you elect to perform the work at the worksite, you will only be eligible for payment as if the work was performed at home. 3.2.7 If you are ineligible for overtime or payment for holiday work as described in clause 10 of this Agreement you will not be eligible for payment under clause 2. 4. Height Allowance If you are required to carry out work on a tower, mast, guy-rope and all telecommunications structures on the external faces of Buildings and parapets, at a height of at least 15 metres for a minimum of two hours in any day, you will be paid a Height Allowance at the rate of $6.24 for each such day. 5. First Aid allowance First aid attendants may be nominated at the manager's discretion in accordance with Telstra's Occupational Health & Safety Policy. Nominated first aid attendants will be trained and certified to St John's Ambulance Australia Senior First Aid standard or equivalent and paid an allowance of $8.32 per week. 6. Country Employees Meal Allowance 6.1 If you are entitled to a Country Employees Meal Allowance in accordance with clause 15.3 of either of the following awards:
7. Office Renovations Allowance If you are entitled to an Office Renovations Allowance in accordance with either clause 15.2 of either of the following awards:
8. Meal Allowance If you are entitled to a Meal Allowance in accordance with clause 20 of the Telstra Corporation General Conditions Award 2001, that allowance will be paid at the rate of $15.50.
1. Telstra/CPSU Award 2001 2. Telstra/AMWU Award 2001 3. Telstra/CEPU Technical and Trades Staff (Salaries and Specific Conditions of Employment) Award 2001 4. Telstra/CEPU Lines and General (Salaries and Specific Conditions of Employment) Award 2001 5. Telstra/APESMA Award 2001 6. Telstra/CEPU - Operators (Salaries and Specific Conditions of Employment) Award 2001 Schedule D - Terms, Conditions And Benefits For Flexible Workers
PART A - Engagement, Span of Hours, Group of Days and Guaranteed Hours
1. You are a Flexible Worker if you are engaged to work as a Flexible Worker. 2. As a Flexible Worker you will be:
Span Type Start of Span End of Span A Morning 6:00 am 11:00 am B Middle Of Day 9:00 am 4:00 pm C Evening 1:00 pm 11:00 pm D Late Evening 9:00 pm 2:00 amNTG - CFW - Field Workforce Only Span Start of Span End of Span * Normal 7:00 am 7:00 pm*Note: This is only span when Flexible Workers in the CFW workstream working in the field workforce may be engaged (c) be available to perform work in a group of days agreed with you prior to your engagement ("Group"). 3. As a Flexible Worker you may be requested to perform work outside your nominated Span and/or Group, in which case you will be paid for work performed at the applicable hourly rate for that Span and Day of Week as set out in Part B of this Schedule.
4. As a Flexible Worker you must:
5. Telstra will offer you at least 500 hours work in each calendar year (January - December) ("Hours Guarantee"). This Hours Guarantee will be pro-rated if you are not initially engaged for a full calendar year. The Hours Guarantee will be reduced by any absences or unavailability for work (excluding absence on annual leave). 6. If you have frequently and unreasonably failed to attend work when requested by your Manager, Telstra's obligation to offer you the Hours Guarantee ceases. This will not include where you have provided satisfactory reasons to your Manager for genuine absences. 7. Where Telstra is unable, due to lack of work being available within your nominated Span and or Group, in order to fulfil the Hours Guarantee:
8. Telstra will give you a minimum of 24 hours notice of when you are required to work within your Span and Group and of the start and finish times within your Span. 9. As a Flexible Worker you will not be obliged to perform any work offered outside your nominated Span and/or Group. 10. As a Flexible Worker your nominated Span and/or Group may be changed by agreement between you and Telstra. 11. Telstra recognises that you may be unable to attend work by reason of illness or where you have family responsibilities (such as to care for your spouse, child, an ill parent, or spouse of dependant). Where you are unable to attend in these circumstances you must provide your Manager with as much notice as practicable but no less than 1 hour prior to your allocated start time. You will not be entitled to any payment for any absence from work in these circumstances. Payment 12. As a Flexible Worker you will be paid the appropriate hourly rate set out in Part B of this Schedule for work performed. The hourly rates for Flexible Workers increase as set out in Part B of this Schedule. 13. The hourly rate is inclusive of all allowances, penalties, other statutory payments or amounts (other than leave payments made in accordance with clause 21 of this Schedule) and includes a loading to cover annual leave loading. 14. If you are required to work on a public holiday, you will be paid a 100% loading for any hours you work on that day. 15. Subject to clauses 15 and 17 of this Schedule, you are not entitled to any additional payment beyond the appropriate hourly rate of pay for any work performed. Overtime and meal breaks 16. If you are required to work more than 36 3/4 hours in any week (Monday to Sunday), you will be paid overtime for the hours you work in excess of 36 3/4 hours. Overtime will be paid at 150% of the appropriate hourly rate set out in Part B of this Schedule. 17. You are entitled to an unpaid meal break if you are required to work continuously for longer than 5 hours. The meal break will be at least 30 minutes in length and no more than one hour. Within these parameters, the timing of the meal break will be at the discretion of your manager, taking into account any individual requirements. Leave 18. You are entitled to 4 weeks paid annual leave per annum of the average number of days that you worked in any 4 week period in the 26 previous pay periods. Your annual leave will accrue on a pro rata basis on the 1st of each month, calculated on the actual hours you have worked in that month. 19. When taking annual leave you will be paid at your average hourly rate of pay based on the 26 previous pay periods where payment has been received immediately preceding the commencement of the annual leave period. You will be paid at this rate for the duration of your annual leave. 20. This calculation excludes any additional payments made within these 26 pay periods such as overtime or any payments that were due to be paid in a previous pay period. 21. When taking annual leave the daily hours deducted from your accrued annual leave is based on the average daily hours worked in the 26 pay periods where actual hours have been paid immediately preceding the annual leave period. 22. You will be entitled to other types of leave (for example Long Service Leave and Maternity Leave) in accordance with Telstra policy. Termination of employment 23. If Telstra wishes to terminate your employment (other than in circumstances of serious misconduct where you may be dismissed summarily) you will be entitled to the following period of notice: Your period of continuous service with Telstra Period notice Not more than 1 year 1 week More than 1 year but not more than 3 years 2 weeks More than 3 years but not more than 5 years 3 weeks More than 5 years 4 weeks 24. If, on the date on which you are given notice of termination of employment, you are more than 45 years old and have completed at least 2 years continuous service the applicable period of notice will be increased by one week. 25. Telstra may pay you compensation instead of notice. The compensation will be the number of weeks' notice to which you would otherwise be entitled multiplied by your average weekly earnings during the twelve calendar months immediately preceding the month in which the payment is made. 26. The Telstra Redundancy Agreement 2002 will apply to your employment. Any retrenchment entitlement will be calculated based on your average weekly earnings during the twelve calendar months immediately preceding the month in which the payment is made. Operation of this Schedule 27. The terms, conditions and benefits set out above apply to all Flexible Workers engaged by Telstra pursuant to this Agreement and apply to the exclusion of any term in the Agreement, except the following clauses:
PART B - NTG Customer Field Workstream - Hourly Rates for Flexible Workers CFW Workstream (Field workforce only) Span Type Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday Times 7am - 7pm 7am - 7pm 7am - 7pm First Increase Date Band 1 $16.84 $22.44 $26.60 Band 2 $20.30 $27.06 $32.07 Band 3 $21.80 $29.05 $34.43 Band 4 $23.81 $31.73 $37.60 Band 5 $26.96 $35.93 $42.59 Band 6 $28.15 $37.52 $44.47 Band 7 $29.37 $39.15 $46.39 Band 8 $32.47 $43.27 $51.28 Band 9 $35.06 $46.73 $55.38 Band 10 $37.10 $49.45 $58.60 Second Increase Date Band 1 $17.18 $22.89 $27.13 Band 2 $20.71 $27.60 $32.71 Band 3 $22.23 $29.63 $35.12 Band 4 $24.28 $32.36 $38.36 Band 5 $27.50 $36.65 $43.44 Band 6 $28.72 $38.27 $45.36 Band 7 $29.96 $39.93 $47.32 Band 8 $33.11 $44.13 $52.30 Band 9 $35.76 $47.66 $56.49 Band 10 $37.85 $50.44 $59.78 Third Increase Date Band 1 $17.52 $23.35 $27.67 Band 2 $21.12 $28.15 $33.36 Band 3 $22.68 $30.22 $35.82 Band 4 $24.77 $33.01 $39.12 Band 5 $28.05 $37.38 $44.31 Band 6 $29.29 $39.03 $46.26 Band 7 $30.56 $40.73 $48.27 Band 8 $33.78 $45.01 $53.35 Band 9 $36.48 $48.61 $57.62 Band 10 $38.60 $51.44 $60.97 Fourth Increase Date Band 1 $17.87 $23.81 $28.22 Band 2 $21.54 $28.71 $34.03 Band 3 $23.13 $30.83 $36.54 Band 4 $25.27 $33.67 $39.91 Band 5 $28.61 $38.13 $45.19 Band 6 $29.88 $39.82 $47.19 Band 7 $31.17 $41.54 $49.23 Band 8 $34.45 $45.91 $54.42 Band 9 $37.21 $49.59 $58.77 Band 10 $39.37 $52.47 $62.19 Fifth Increase Date Band 1 $18.23 $24.29 $28.79 Band 2 $21.98 $29.29 $34.71 Band 3 $23.60 $31.44 $37.27 Band 4 $25.77 $34.34 $40.70 Band 5 $29.18 $38.89 $46.10 Band 6 $30.47 $40.61 $48.13 Band 7 $31.79 $42.37 $50.22 Band 8 $35.14 $46.83 $55.51 Band 9 $37.95 $50.58 $59.94 Band 10 $40.16 $53.52 $63.43Customer Field Workstream - Hourly Rates for Flexible Workers CFW (Serv Adv & wmc) Workstream Monday To Friday Saturday Span A Span B Span C Span D Span A Span B Span C Span D 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm- 2am 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm-2am Morning Middle Evening Late Morning Middle Evening Late First Increase Date Band 1 $17.45 $16.84 $18.29 $19.12 $21.61 $20.99 $22.44 $23.27 Band 2 $21.04 $20.30 $22.05 $23.05 $26.05 $25.31 $27.06 $28.06 Band 3 $22.59 $21.80 $23.67 $24.75 $27.97 $27.18 $29.05 $30.13 Band 4 $24.68 $23.81 $25.85 $27.03 $30.55 $29.68 $31.73 $32.90 Band 5 $27.95 $26.96 $29.28 $30.61 $34.60 $33.62 $35.93 $37.26 Band 6 $29.18 $28.15 $30.57 $31.96 $36.13 $35.10 $37.52 $38.91 Band 7 $30.45 $29.37 $31.90 $33.35 $37.70 $36.62 $39.15 $40.60 Band 8 $33.65 $32.47 $35.25 $36.86 $41.66 $40.48 $43.27 $44.87 Band 9 $36.34 $35.06 $38.07 $39.80 $45.00 $43.72 $46.73 $48.46 Band 10 $38.46 $37.10 $40.29 $42.12 $47.62 $46.26 $49.45 $51.28 Second Increase Date Band 1 $17.80 $17.18 $18.65 $19.50 $22.04 $21.41 $22.89 $23.74 Band 2 $21.46 $20.71 $22.49 $23.51 $26.57 $25.82 $27.60 $28.62 Band 3 $23.05 $22.23 $24.14 $25.24 $28.53 $27.72 $29.63 $30.73 Band 4 $25.17 $24.28 $26.37 $27.57 $31.16 $30.28 $32.36 $33.56 Band 5 $28.51 $27.50 $29.86 $31.22 $35.29 $34.29 $36.65 $38.01 Band 6 $29.77 $28.72 $31.18 $32.60 $36.85 $35.80 $38.27 $39.69 Band 7 $31.06 $29.96 $32.53 $34.01 $38.45 $37.36 $39.93 $41.41 Band 8 $34.32 $33.11 $35.96 $37.59 $42.50 $41.29 $44.13 $45.77 Band 9 $37.07 $35.76 $38.83 $40.60 $45.90 $44.59 $47.66 $49.43 Band 10 $39.23 $37.85 $41.10 $42.96 $48.57 $47.19 $50.44 $52.30 Third Increase Date Band 1 $18.16 $17.52 $19.02 $19.89 $22.48 $21.84 $23.35 $24.21 Band 2 $21.89 $21.12 $22.94 $23.98 $27.11 $26.33 $28.15 $29.19 Band 3 $23.51 $22.68 $24.63 $25.75 $29.10 $28.28 $30.22 $31.34 Band 4 $25.67 $24.77 $26.90 $28.12 $31.79 $30.88 $33.01 $34.23 Band 5 $29.08 $28.05 $30.46 $31.84 $36.00 $34.97 $37.38 $38.77 Band 6 $30.36 $29.29 $31.81 $33.25 $37.59 $36.52 $39.03 $40.48 Band 7 $31.68 $30.56 $33.18 $34.69 $39.22 $38.10 $40.73 $42.24 Band 8 $35.01 $33.78 $36.68 $38.35 $43.35 $42.11 $45.01 $46.68 Band 9 $37.81 $36.48 $39.61 $41.41 $46.81 $45.48 $48.61 $50.41 Band 10 $40.01 $38.60 $41.92 $43.82 $49.54 $48.13 $51.44 $53.35 Fourth Increase Date Band 1 $18.52 $17.87 $19.40 $20.29 $22.93 $22.28 $23.81 $24.70 Band 2 $22.33 $21.54 $23.39 $24.46 $27.65 $26.86 $28.71 $29.77 Band 3 $23.98 $23.13 $25.12 $26.26 $29.69 $28.84 $30.83 $31.97 Band 4 $26.19 $25.27 $27.44 $28.68 $32.42 $31.50 $33.67 $34.92 Band 5 $29.66 $28.61 $31.07 $32.48 $36.72 $35.67 $38.13 $39.54 Band 6 $30.97 $29.88 $32.44 $33.92 $38.34 $37.25 $39.82 $41.29 Band 7 $32.31 $31.17 $33.85 $35.39 $40.00 $38.86 $41.54 $43.08 Band 8 $35.71 $34.45 $37.41 $39.11 $44.21 $42.96 $45.91 $47.61 Band 9 $38.57 $37.21 $40.40 $42.24 $47.75 $46.39 $49.59 $51.42 Band 10 $40.81 $39.37 $42.76 $44.70 $50.53 $49.09 $52.47 $54.42 Fifth Increase Date Band 1 $18.89 $18.23 $19.79 $20.69 $23.39 $22.73 $24.29 $25.19 Band 2 $22.78 $21.98 $23.86 $24.95 $28.20 $27.40 $29.29 $30.37 Band 3 $24.46 $23.60 $25.62 $26.79 $30.28 $29.42 $31.44 $32.61 Band 4 $26.71 $25.77 $27.98 $29.26 $33.07 $32.13 $34.34 $35.62 Band 5 $30.25 $29.18 $31.69 $33.13 $37.45 $36.39 $38.89 $40.33 Band 6 $31.59 $30.47 $33.09 $34.60 $39.11 $37.99 $40.61 $42.12 Band 7 $32.96 $31.79 $34.53 $36.09 $40.80 $39.64 $42.37 $43.94 Band 8 $36.43 $35.14 $38.16 $39.89 $45.10 $43.81 $46.83 $48.57 Band 9 $39.34 $37.95 $41.21 $43.09 $48.71 $47.32 $50.58 $52.45 Band 10 $41.63 $40.16 $43.61 $45.59 $51.54 $50.07 $53.52 $55.50 Sunday Span A Span B Span C Span D 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm-2a Morning Middle Evening Late First In Band 1 $25.77 $25.15 $26.60 $27.43 Band 2 $31.06 $30.32 $32.07 $33.07 Band 3 $33.35 $32.56 $34.43 $35.51 Band 4 $36.43 $35.56 $37.60 $38.78 Band 5 $41.25 $40.27 $42.59 $43.92 Band 6 $43.08 $42.05 $44.47 $45.86 Band 7 $44.94 $43.87 $46.39 $47.84 Band 8 $49.68 $48.49 $51.28 $52.88 Band 9 $53.65 $52.37 $55.38 $57.11 Band 10 $56.77 $55.42 $58.60 $60.43 Second I Band 1 $26.28 $25.65 $27.13 $27.98 Band 2 $31.69 $30.93 $32.71 $33.73 Band 3 $34.02 $33.21 $35.12 $36.22 Band 4 $37.16 $36.27 $38.36 $39.55 Band 5 $42.08 $41.07 $43.44 $44.79 Band 6 $43.94 $42.89 $45.36 $46.77 Band 7 $45.84 $44.75 $47.32 $48.80 Band 8 $50.67 $49.46 $52.30 $53.94 Band 9 $54.72 $53.42 $56.49 $58.25 Band 10 $57.91 $56.53 $59.78 $61.64 Third In Band 1 $26.81 $26.17 $27.67 $28.54 Band 2 $32.32 $31.55 $33.36 $34.40 Band 3 $34.70 $33.87 $35.82 $36.94 Band 4 $37.90 $37.00 $39.12 $40.35 Band 5 $42.92 $41.90 $44.31 $45.69 Band 6 $44.82 $43.75 $46.26 $47.71 Band 7 $46.76 $45.64 $48.27 $49.78 Band 8 $51.68 $50.45 $53.35 $55.02 Band 9 $55.82 $54.48 $57.62 $59.42 Band 10 $59.07 $57.66 $60.97 $62.88 Fourth I Band 1 $27.34 $26.69 $28.22 $29.11 Band 2 $32.97 $32.18 $34.03 $35.09 Band 3 $35.40 $34.55 $36.54 $37.68 Band 4 $38.66 $37.74 $39.91 $41.15 Band 5 $43.78 $42.73 $45.19 $46.60 Band 6 $45.71 $44.62 $47.19 $48.66 Band 7 $47.70 $46.56 $49.23 $50.77 Band 8 $52.72 $51.46 $54.42 $56.12 Band 9 $56.93 $55.57 $58.77 $60.61 Band 10 $60.25 $58.81 $62.19 $64.13 Fifth In Band 1 $27.89 $27.22 $28.79 $29.69 Band 2 $33.62 $32.82 $34.71 $35.79 Band 3 $36.10 $35.24 $37.27 $38.43 Band 4 $39.43 $38.49 $40.70 $41.98 Band 5 $44.65 $43.59 $46.10 $47.54 Band 6 $46.63 $45.52 $48.13 $49.64 Band 7 $48.65 $47.49 $50.22 $51.79 Band 8 $53.77 $52.49 $55.51 $57.24 Band 9 $58.07 $56.69 $59.94 $61.82 Band 10 $61.45 $59.99 $63.43 $65.42Support Workstream - Hourly Rates for Flexible Workers SW - Workstream Monday To Friday Saturday Span A Span B Span C Span D Span A Span B Span C Span D 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm- 2am 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm-2am Morning Middle Evening Late Morning Middle Evening Late First Increase Date Band 1 $17.82 $17.20 $18.67 $19.52 $22.07 $21.44 $22.92 $23.77 Band 2 $19.25 $18.57 $20.17 $21.08 $23.83 $23.15 $24.75 $25.67 Band 3 $19.98 $19.28 $20.93 $21.88 $24.74 $24.03 $25.69 $26.64 Band 4 $20.85 $20.11 $21.84 $22.83 $25.81 $25.07 $26.80 $27.79 Band 5 $22.72 $21.92 $23.80 $24.88 $28.12 $27.32 $29.21 $30.29 Band 6 $25.07 $24.18 $26.26 $27.45 $31.03 $30.15 $32.23 $33.42 Band 7 $27.49 $26.52 $28.80 $30.11 $34.04 $33.07 $35.35 $36.66 Band 8 $30.59 $29.52 $32.05 $33.51 $37.88 $36.80 $39.33 $40.79 Band 9 $33.63 $32.44 $35.23 $36.83 $41.63 $40.45 $43.23 $44.84 Band 10 $39.00 $37.63 $40.86 $42.72 $48.29 $46.91 $50.14 $52.00 Band 11 $41.09 $39.64 $43.04 $45.00 $50.87 $49.42 $52.83 $54.78 Second Increase Date Band 1 $18.18 $17.54 $19.05 $19.91 $22.51 $21.87 $23.38 $24.24 Band 2 $19.63 $18.94 $20.57 $21.50 $24.31 $23.62 $25.24 $26.18 Band 3 $20.38 $19.66 $21.35 $22.32 $25.23 $24.51 $26.20 $27.17 Band 4 $21.26 $20.51 $22.28 $23.29 $26.33 $25.58 $27.34 $28.35 Band 5 $23.17 $22.35 $24.27 $25.38 $28.69 $27.87 $29.79 $30.89 Band 6 $25.57 $24.67 $26.78 $28.00 $31.65 $30.75 $32.87 $34.09 Band 7 $28.04 $27.05 $29.38 $30.71 $34.72 $33.73 $36.05 $37.39 Band 8 $31.21 $30.11 $32.69 $34.18 $38.64 $37.54 $40.12 $41.61 Band 9 $34.30 $33.09 $35.93 $37.57 $42.47 $41.26 $44.10 $45.73 Band 10 $39.78 $38.38 $41.68 $43.57 $49.25 $47.85 $51.15 $53.04 Band 11 $41.91 $40.43 $43.91 $45.90 $51.89 $50.41 $53.88 $55.88 Third Increase Date Band 1 $18.54 $17.89 $19.43 $20.31 $22.96 $22.31 $23.84 $24.73 Band 2 $20.03 $19.32 $20.98 $21.94 $24.80 $24.09 $25.75 $26.70 Band 3 $20.79 $20.05 $21.78 $22.77 $25.74 $25.00 $26.73 $27.72 Band 4 $21.69 $20.92 $22.72 $23.75 $26.85 $26.09 $27.88 $28.92 Band 5 $23.63 $22.80 $24.76 $25.88 $29.26 $28.43 $30.39 $31.51 Band 6 $26.08 $25.16 $27.32 $28.56 $32.29 $31.37 $33.53 $34.77 Band 7 $28.60 $27.60 $29.97 $31.33 $35.41 $34.41 $36.78 $38.14 Band 8 $31.83 $30.71 $33.35 $34.86 $39.41 $38.29 $40.92 $42.44 Band 9 $34.99 $33.75 $36.65 $38.32 $43.32 $42.08 $44.98 $46.65 Band 10 $40.58 $39.15 $42.51 $44.44 $50.24 $48.81 $52.17 $54.10 Band 11 $42.75 $41.24 $44.78 $46.82 $52.93 $51.42 $54.96 $57.00 Fourth Increase Date Band 1 $18.92 $18.25 $19.82 $20.72 $23.42 $22.75 $24.32 $25.22 Band 2 $20.43 $19.71 $21.40 $22.37 $25.29 $24.57 $26.26 $27.24 Band 3 $21.20 $20.46 $22.21 $23.22 $26.25 $25.50 $27.26 $28.27 Band 4 $22.12 $21.34 $23.18 $24.23 $27.39 $26.61 $28.44 $29.50 Band 5 $24.11 $23.26 $25.25 $26.40 $29.85 $29.00 $30.99 $32.14 Band 6 $26.60 $25.66 $27.87 $29.13 $32.93 $32.00 $34.20 $35.47 Band 7 $29.18 $28.15 $30.56 $31.95 $36.12 $35.09 $37.51 $38.90 Band 8 $32.47 $31.32 $34.01 $35.56 $40.20 $39.05 $41.74 $43.29 Band 9 $35.68 $34.43 $37.38 $39.08 $44.18 $42.92 $45.88 $47.58 Band 10 $41.39 $39.93 $43.36 $45.33 $51.24 $49.78 $53.21 $55.18 Band 11 $43.60 $42.07 $45.68 $47.76 $53.98 $52.45 $56.06 $58.14 Fifth Increase Date Band 1 $19.29 $18.61 $20.21 $21.13 $23.89 $23.21 $24.81 $25.73 Band 2 $20.84 $20.10 $21.83 $22.82 $25.80 $25.06 $26.79 $27.78 Band 3 $21.63 $20.86 $22.66 $23.69 $26.78 $26.01 $27.81 $28.84 Band 4 $22.56 $21.77 $23.64 $24.71 $27.94 $27.14 $29.01 $30.09 Band 5 $24.59 $23.72 $25.76 $26.93 $30.44 $29.58 $31.61 $32.79 Band 6 $27.13 $26.18 $28.42 $29.72 $33.59 $32.64 $34.88 $36.18 Band 7 $29.76 $28.71 $31.18 $32.59 $36.84 $35.80 $38.26 $39.68 Band 8 $33.12 $31.95 $34.69 $36.27 $41.00 $39.83 $42.58 $44.15 Band 9 $36.40 $35.12 $38.13 $39.87 $45.07 $43.78 $46.80 $48.53 Band 10 $42.22 $40.73 $44.23 $46.24 $52.27 $50.78 $54.28 $56.29 Band 11 $44.48 $42.91 $46.59 $48.71 $55.06 $53.50 $57.18 $59.30 Sunday Span A Span B Span C Span D 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm-2a Morning Middle Evening Late First Increase Date Band 1 $26.31 $25.68 $27.16 $28.01 Band 2 $28.42 $27.74 $29.33 $30.25 Band 3 $29.49 $28.79 $30.45 $31.40 Band 4 $30.77 $30.04 $31.77 $32.76 Band 5 $33.53 $32.73 $34.62 $35.70 Band 6 $37.00 $36.12 $38.20 $39.39 Band 7 $40.58 $39.62 $41.89 $43.20 Band 8 $45.16 $44.08 $46.62 $48.08 Band 9 $49.64 $48.45 $51.24 $52.84 Band 10 $57.57 $56.20 $59.43 $61.29 Band 11 $60.65 $59.21 $62.61 $64.57 Second Increase date Band 1 $26.84 $26.20 $27.70 $28.57 Band 2 $28.98 $28.29 $29.92 $30.85 Band 3 $30.08 $29.37 $31.05 $32.03 Band 4 $31.39 $30.64 $32.40 $33.41 Band 5 $34.20 $33.39 $35.31 $36.41 Band 6 $37.74 $36.84 $38.96 $40.18 Band 7 $41.40 $40.41 $42.73 $44.07 Band 8 $46.07 $44.97 $47.55 $49.04 Band 9 $50.63 $49.42 $52.27 $53.90 Band 10 $58.73 $57.32 $60.62 $62.51 Band 11 $61.87 $60.39 $63.86 $65.86 Third Icrease date Band 1 $27.38 $26.72 $28.26 $29.14 Band 2 $29.56 $28.86 $30.52 $31.47 Band 3 $30.69 $29.95 $31.68 $32.67 Band 4 $32.02 $31.25 $33.05 $34.08 Band 5 $34.89 $34.06 $36.01 $37.14 Band 6 $38.50 $37.58 $39.74 $40.98 Band 7 $42.22 $41.22 $43.59 $44.95 Band 8 $46.99 $45.87 $48.50 $50.02 Band 9 $51.64 $50.41 $53.31 $54.98 Band 10 $59.90 $58.47 $61.83 $63.76 Band 11 $63.10 $61.60 $65.14 $67.18 Fourth Increase Date Band 1 $27.92 $27.26 $28.82 $29.72 Band 2 $30.16 $29.44 $31.13 $32.10 Band 3 $31.30 $30.55 $32.31 $33.32 Band 4 $32.66 $31.88 $33.71 $34.76 Band 5 $35.59 $34.74 $36.73 $37.88 Band 6 $39.27 $38.33 $40.53 $41.80 Band 7 $43.07 $42.04 $44.46 $45.85 Band 8 $47.93 $46.78 $49.47 $51.02 Band 9 $52.68 $51.42 $54.38 $56.08 Band 10 $61.10 $59.64 $63.07 $65.04 Band 11 $64.37 $62.83 $66.44 $68.52 Fifth Increase Date Band 1 $28.48 $27.80 $29.40 $30.32 Band 2 $30.76 $30.02 $31.75 $32.74 Band 3 $31.93 $31.16 $32.96 $33.99 Band 4 $33.31 $32.51 $34.38 $35.46 Band 5 $36.30 $35.43 $37.47 $38.64 Band 6 $40.05 $39.10 $41.34 $42.64 Band 7 $43.93 $42.88 $45.35 $46.76 Band 8 $48.89 $47.72 $50.46 $52.04 Band 9 $53.73 $52.45 $55.46 $57.20 Band 10 $62.32 $60.83 $64.33 $66.34 Band 11 $65.65 $64.09 $67.77 $69.89Customer Sales and Service Workstream - Hourly Rates for Flexible Workers CSSW & MCW - Workstream Monday To Friday Saturday Span A Span B Span C Span D Span A Span B Span C Span D 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm- 2am 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm-2a Morning Middle Evening Late Morning Middle Evening Late First Inccrease Date Band 1 $17.43 $16.82 $18.26 $19.09 $21.58 $20.97 $22.41 $23.24 Band 2 $18.30 $17.66 $19.17 $20.04 $22.66 $22.01 $23.53 $24.40 Band 3 $19.46 $18.78 $20.39 $21.32 $24.10 $23.41 $25.02 $25.95 Band 4 $20.04 $19.34 $21.00 $21.95 $24.82 $24.11 $25.77 $26.73 Band 5 $20.92 $20.18 $21.91 $22.91 $25.90 $25.16 $26.89 $27.89 Band 6 $25.56 $24.66 $26.78 $28.00 $31.65 $30.75 $32.87 $34.09 Band 7 $27.89 $26.91 $29.22 $30.54 $34.53 $33.54 $35.86 $37.18 Band 8 $30.21 $29.15 $31.65 $33.09 $37.41 $36.34 $38.84 $40.28 Second Inncrease Date Band 1 $17.78 $17.15 $18.63 $19.47 $22.01 $21.38 $22.86 $23.70 Band 2 $18.67 $18.01 $19.56 $20.45 $23.11 $22.45 $24.00 $24.89 Band 3 $19.85 $19.15 $20.80 $21.74 $24.58 $23.88 $25.52 $26.47 Band 4 $20.45 $19.72 $21.42 $22.39 $25.31 $24.59 $26.29 $27.26 Band 5 $21.33 $20.58 $22.35 $23.37 $26.41 $25.66 $27.43 $28.45 Band 6 $26.08 $25.16 $27.32 $28.56 $32.28 $31.36 $33.53 $34.77 Band 7 $28.45 $27.44 $29.80 $31.15 $35.22 $34.22 $36.57 $37.93 Band 8 $30.82 $29.73 $32.28 $33.75 $38.15 $37.07 $39.62 $41.09 Third Inccrease Date Band 1 $18.13 $17.50 $19.00 $19.86 $22.45 $21.81 $23.32 $24.18 Band 2 $19.04 $18.37 $19.95 $20.85 $23.57 $22.90 $24.48 $25.39 Band 3 $20.25 $19.54 $21.21 $22.18 $25.07 $24.36 $26.04 $27.00 Band 4 $20.85 $20.12 $21.85 $22.84 $25.82 $25.08 $26.81 $27.81 Band 5 $21.76 $20.99 $22.80 $23.83 $26.94 $26.18 $27.98 $29.01 Band 6 $26.60 $25.66 $27.86 $29.13 $32.93 $31.99 $34.20 $35.46 Band 7 $29.01 $27.99 $30.40 $31.78 $35.92 $34.90 $37.30 $38.69 Band 8 $31.43 $30.32 $32.93 $34.43 $38.92 $37.81 $40.41 $41.91 Fourth Inncrease Date Band 1 $18.50 $17.84 $19.38 $20.26 $22.90 $22.25 $23.78 $24.66 Band 2 $19.42 $18.74 $20.35 $21.27 $24.05 $23.36 $24.97 $25.90 Band 3 $20.65 $19.93 $21.64 $22.62 $25.57 $24.84 $26.56 $27.54 Band 4 $21.27 $20.52 $22.28 $23.30 $26.34 $25.59 $27.35 $28.36 Band 5 $22.20 $21.41 $23.25 $24.31 $27.48 $26.70 $28.54 $29.59 Band 6 $27.13 $26.17 $28.42 $29.71 $33.59 $32.63 $34.88 $36.17 Band 7 $29.59 $28.55 $31.00 $32.41 $36.64 $35.60 $38.05 $39.46 Band 8 $32.06 $30.93 $33.59 $35.11 $39.69 $38.56 $41.22 $42.75 Fifth Inccrease Date Band 1 $18.87 $18.20 $19.77 $20.66 $23.36 $22.69 $24.26 $25.16 Band 2 $19.81 $19.11 $20.75 $21.70 $24.53 $23.83 $25.47 $26.41 Band 3 $21.07 $20.33 $22.07 $23.07 $26.08 $25.34 $27.09 $28.09 Band 4 $21.70 $20.93 $22.73 $23.76 $26.86 $26.10 $27.90 $28.93 Band 5 $22.64 $21.84 $23.72 $24.80 $28.03 $27.23 $29.11 $30.19 Band 6 $27.67 $26.70 $28.99 $30.31 $34.26 $33.28 $35.58 $36.89 Band 7 $30.19 $29.12 $31.62 $33.06 $37.37 $36.31 $38.81 $40.25 Band 8 $32.70 $31.55 $34.26 $35.82 $40.49 $39.34 $42.05 $43.60 Sunday Span A Span B Span C Span D 6am-11am 9am-4pm 1pm-11pm 9pm-2a Morning Middle Evening Late First Increase Date Band 1 $25.73 $25.12 $26.56 $27.39 Band 2 $27.02 $26.37 $27.89 $28.76 Band 3 $28.73 $28.05 $29.66 $30.59 Band 4 $29.59 $28.88 $30.54 $31.50 Band 5 $30.88 $30.14 $31.87 $32.87 Band 6 $37.74 $36.84 $38.95 $40.17 Band 7 $41.17 $40.18 $42.50 $43.82 Band 8 $44.60 $43.53 $46.04 $47.48 Second Increase Date Band 1 $26.24 $25.62 $27.09 $27.94 Band 2 $27.56 $26.90 $28.45 $29.33 Band 3 $29.31 $28.61 $30.25 $31.20 Band 4 $30.18 $29.46 $31.15 $32.13 Band 5 $31.49 $30.74 $32.51 $33.53 Band 6 $38.49 $37.57 $39.73 $40.98 Band 7 $41.99 $40.99 $43.35 $44.70 Band 8 $45.49 $44.40 $46.96 $48.43 Third Increase Date Band 1 $26.77 $26.13 $27.63 $28.50 Band 2 $28.11 $27.44 $29.01 $29.92 Band 3 $29.89 $29.18 $30.86 $31.82 Band 4 $30.78 $30.05 $31.78 $32.77 Band 5 $32.12 $31.36 $33.16 $34.20 Band 6 $39.26 $38.32 $40.53 $41.79 Band 7 $42.83 $41.81 $44.21 $45.59 Band 8 $46.40 $45.29 $47.90 $49.39 Fourth Increase Date Band 1 $27.30 $26.65 $28.19 $29.07 Band 2 $28.67 $27.99 $29.59 $30.52 Band 3 $30.49 $29.76 $31.47 $32.46 Band 4 $31.40 $30.65 $32.41 $33.43 Band 5 $32.77 $31.98 $33.82 $34.88 Band 6 $40.05 $39.09 $41.34 $42.63 Band 7 $43.69 $42.64 $45.10 $46.51 Band 8 $47.33 $46.20 $48.85 $50.38 Fifth Increase Date Band 1 $27.85 $27.19 $28.75 $29.65 Band 2 $29.24 $28.55 $30.19 $31.13 Band 3 $31.10 $30.36 $32.10 $33.11 Band 4 $32.03 $31.26 $33.06 $34.09 Band 5 $33.42 $32.62 $34.50 $35.58 Band 6 $40.85 $39.87 $42.17 $43.48 Band 7 $44.56 $43.50 $46.00 $47.44 Band 8 $48.27 $47.12 $49.83 $51.39 Schedule E - Work at Sea Arrangements
1D Work At Sea 1D.1 Work at sea will mean any time where you are required to do work on a sea going vessel for period of 24 hours continuous duty or more. The work undertaken on board the seagoing vessel is work in connection with the surveying, installation and maintenance of submarine telecommunications cable systems. 1D.2. Rates Of Pay 1D.2.1 You will not be subject to the relevant Award or this Agreement's clauses concerning ordinary hours /overtime/public holidays for any time worked at sea. Each day will be considered a 12-hour day, regardless of the number of hours worked in any one day. You will be paid as follows:
If you are required to work on a public holiday you may choose one of the following:
You may choose the payment option (in 1D.2 (c) and (d)) on the day after completing a tour of work at sea. Any time off in lieu will be taken within a period not longer that 3 months after the time of returning from the relevant tour of work at sea. In the event that you have not been able to take off all the time in lieu then the outstanding time in lieu will be paid to the employee. 1D.3 Hours of Work
1D.4 Work At Sea Disability Allowance To compensate for all disabilities associated with living and working on a seagoing vessel, you will receive an allowance of $84 per day for each day at sea. It is acknowledged that conditions at sea vary from vessel to vessel and also due to different employment arrangements that arise from time to time. This allowance is not payable for time worked when the vessel is berthed. However, when the vessel is berthed, then the travelling allowance provisions of the relevant award will apply. This allowance will not be used for any other purpose under this Agreement or other relevant Award or Agreement provision, and will not attract any penalty or premium. 1D.5 All Other Award Conditions The payments prescribed in this Agreement that are in excess of the ordinary rates of pay and will not be used for the calculation of any other Award or Agreement entitlements. 1D.6 Length & Frequency of Tours 1D.6.1 A tour length will be limited to 6 weeks, unless mutually agreed in writing between you and your manager. 1D.6.2 You will not be sent to sea after a completed tour, within a period of time equivalent to half the completed tour unless mutually agreed in writing with your manager. 1D.6.3 Notwithstanding the above, you will not be expected to spend more than 85 days at sea in any 12 month period unless mutually agreed in writing with your manager. 1D.7 Standard Of Vessel In tendering for work, Telstra will only use vessels that have been affirmed by the provider as both sea-worthy and suitable for the type of work to be performed, and will further stipulate minimum requirements for the accommodation and victualling for Telstra employees. |