Rules of the

	Structured and Annotated Index to Rules
	Rules in one page
	 Word Version 24 October 2022
	 Word Version 16 January 2014
	 Version Information

	1   		Name
	2   		Constitution
	3   		Objects
	4   		Definitions
	4A 		Division/Branch Policies and Procedures
	5   		Divisional Conference
	5A   		Divisional Conference Geographically Specific Delegates)
	6   		Special Conference
	7   		Powers of Conference
	9   		Proposals for Divisional Donference
	10  		Divisional Conference - Out of session decision
	11  		Divisional Executive - constitution
	11A  	Divisional (Geographically Specific Delegates)
	12  		Powers of Divisional Executive
	13  		Divisional Executive Meetings
	14  		Divisional Executive - quorum
	15  		Divisional Executive Agenda and Out of Session Decisions
	16  		Divisional Executive Voting
	17  		Absentee Voting
	17A 		Divisional By-laws
	18  		Divisional Returning Officer and Deputy Divisional Returning Officers
	19  		Nominations for Divisional Office
	20  		Divisional Officers of the Union
	21  		Election for Divisional Office
	22  		National Councillors & Alternate National Councillors
	23  		Duties of Divisional Returning Officer - Election of Divisional Officers
	24  		Casual and Extraordinary Vacancies - Divisional Offfice
	24A 		Casual Vacancies-Div Officers-Abolition of Div Asst Sec or Covversion to Honorary
	25  		Scrutineers
	26  		Industrial Agreements
	27  		Situation of Head Office
	28  		Control of Divisional Conference Funds
	29  		Financial Year and Audit
	30  		Divisional Executive Auditors
	30A 		Financial Reporting Requirements
	31  		Property and Funds of the Division
	32  		Conditions of Membership
	32A 		Associate Membership
	33  		Honorary Life Members
	33A 		Life membership - ATEA/ATPOA
	34  		Contributions
	35  		Plebiscites
	36  		Decision Ratification
	37  		Industrial Action
	37A 		Enterprise Bargaining
	38  		Duties of Divisional President
	39  		Duties of Divisional Vice Presidents
	40  		Duties of Divisional Secretary
	41  		Duties of Divisional Assistant Secretaries
	42  		Offences and Penalties
	42A 		External Disciplinary Board and External Appeals Board
	43  		Divisional Councils
	43A 		National Women's Committee
	44 * 		Formation of Branches
	45   		Divisional Conference and Divisional Executive Authority over Branches
	46 * 		Industry sections - WA Communications Division Branch
	46A *	Industry sections - Vic Postal and Telecommunications Branches
	46B *	Industry sections - Telecommunications and Services Branches
	46C *	Industry sections - CWU Central Branch
	47   		Contribution to Divisional Conference
	47A  	Deferred Payments
	48   		Allocation of Funds
	49   		Register of Branch Offices
	50   		Register of Members
	50A  	Purging of the Register
	51   		Rules
	52   		Minutes of Meetings
	53   		Branch Officers
	54   		Branch Employees
	55   		Power to Enter and Inspect Premises
	56   		By-laws
	57   		Affiliation with any Organisation
	58   		Branch Funds and Property
	59   		Accounts, Balance Sheet and Audit
	60   		Auditors
	61   		Statement of Branch Membership
	62   		Ranking of Positions in Elections
	63   		Honoraria and Allowances
	64   		Order of Business
	65   		Terms of Office
	66   		Branch Nominations
	67   		Branch Elections
	68   		Filling Branch Vacancies - Short term
	69   		Filling Branch Vacancies - Long term
	70   		Casual Vacancies-Branch Officers-Full time Positions
	71   		Branch Returning Officer
	72   		Extraordinary Branch Vacancies
	73   		Industry Section Meetings
	74   		Notice of Motion
	75 * 		Branch Management - WA
	75A * 	Branch Management - CWU Central Branch
	76 * 		Branch Management - Vic Postal & Telecommunications  Branch
	76A *	Branch Management - Telecommunications and Services Branches
	77   		Duties and Powers of Branch Committee of ManagemenT
	78   		Sub-branches
	79   		Appointment of Local Representatives
	80   		Union Committees and Councils
	81   		Branch plebiscite
	82   		Branch authority
	83   		Branch General Meetings - Ordinary, Annual and Special
	84   		Extraordinary Branch General Meetings
	85   		Meetings: How Called
	86   		Quorum
	87   		Unfinancial Members - Branch Meetings
	88   		Authority to Impose Levy
	89   		Standing Orders of Debate
	90   		Interpretation of Rules
	91   		Transitional Rule


UPDATED to 24 Oct 2022 -
[128V-COM: - Incorporates alterations of 24 October 2022 certified in matter R2022/72]
Replaces 5 May 2020 [R2020/21] version)
UPDATED to 30 Oct 2020 -


[2014] FWCD 7321 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009
s.159-Alteration of other rules of organisation
Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (R2014/239)


Alteration of other rules of organisation.

[1] On 2 October 2014, the Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (CEPU) lodged with the Fair Work Commission (Commission) a notice and declaration setting out particulars of alterations to the rules of the Communications Division of the CEPU (the Divisional Rules).

[2] The particulars set out alterations to rules 66, 67 and 75 of the Divisional Rules.

[3] On 15 October 2014, the Commission wrote to the CEPU seeking confirmation that a notice had been published on the web site of the CEPU noting that the notice of particulars was lodged with the Commission on 2 October 2014 in accordance with regulation 126(1)(b) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009 (the Regulations).

[4] On 15 October 2014, the CEPU advised the Commission that a notice had been published on its web site noting that the notice of particulars in this matter was lodged with the Commission on 2 October 2014 in accordance with the Regulations.

[5] On the information contained in the notice, I am satisfied the alterations have been made under the rules of the organisation.

[6] In my opinion, the alterations comply with and are not contrary to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009, the Fair Work Act 2009, modern awards and enterprise agreements, and are not otherwise contrary to law. I certify accordingly under subsection 159(1) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.


DECISION [2014] FWCD 4577

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009

s.159-Alteration of other rules of organisation
Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia


Alteration of other rules of organisation.

[1] On 7 March 2014, the Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (CEPU) lodged with the Fair Work Commission (Commission) a notice and declaration setting out particulars of alterations to the rules of the Communications Division of the CEPU (the Divisional Rules).

[2] The particulars set out alterations to rules 19 and 23 of the Divisional Rules.

[3] The Commission wrote to the CEPU on 27 June 2014, seeking clarification regarding the relevance of, and adherence to, rule 36(b) of the Divisional Rules.

[4] On 3 July 2014, the Divisional Secretary of the Communications Division filed brief submissions with the Commission regarding the operation and relevance of rule 36(b) of the Divisional Rules.

[5] On the information contained in the notice, and the substance of the submissions filed on 3 July 2014, I am satisfied the alterations have been made under the rules of the organisation.

[6] In my opinion, the alterations comply with and are not contrary to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009, the Fair Work Act 2009, modern awards and enterprise agreements, and are not otherwise contrary to law. I certify accordingly under subsection 159(1) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.

19(b)(ii) Provided that a person making the nomination for the office of Divisional Assistant Secretary (Postal) shall be a financial member of the Postal Services Industry Group and a person making the nomination for the office of Divisional Assistant Secretary (Telecommunications) shall be a financial member of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Industry Group.
(iii) .
(c) All nomination papers must be signed by and contain the addresses of those making the nomination who must be financial members of the Division and be countersigned by the person nominated. Nominations .

"That the reference in Rule 23(j(i)) to Rule(j)(ii) be deleted and replaced with a reference to g(ii) as set out in the attached marked up copy of the rules dated 20 March 2013."


Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009

s.159-Alteration of other rules of organisation
Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (R2013/151)


Alteration of other rules of organisation.

[1] On 19 December 2013, the Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (the CEPU) lodged with the Fair Work Commission a notice and declaration setting out particulars of alterations to the rules of the Communications Division of the CEPU (the Divisional Rules).

[2] The particulars provide for the insertion of new rules 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E and 4F into the Divisional Rules. The alterations were made for the purpose of complying with provisions of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Act 2012 (the Amendment Act) regarding the rules of registered organisations. In particular, the alterations provide for specified disclosures, the implementation of policies relating to expenditure and the mandatory training of officers with duties that relate to the financial management of the organisation.

[3] The particulars also provide for alterations to rules 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 47A, 50, 55, 59, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 75, 76, 76A, 86 and 90, and the deletion of rules 8, 34A, 42B, 91 and the Schedule, of the Divisional Rules which were not made for the purpose of complying with, or pertain to, the relevant provisions of the Amendment Act.

[4] On the information contained in the notice, I am satisfied the alterations have been made under the rules of the organisation.

[5] In my opinion, the alterations comply with and are not contrary to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (the RO Act), the Amendment Act, the Fair Work Act 2009, modern awards and enterprise agreements, and are not otherwise contrary to law. I certify accordingly under subsection 159(1) of the RO Act.

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