
Rules of the

Index to Rules


Part A - General

(a) This Rule shall prevail over any conflicting provisions in any other Divisional Rule and the provisions of the Rules of the Union including any of those Rules relating to the terms of office of any office holder.

(b) (i) This Divisional Rule will enable the merger of the New South Wales Postal and Telecommunications Branch, the Queensland Communications Division Branch and the South Australian and Northern Territory Communications Division Branch to form the CWU Central Branch.
(ii) This Divisional Rule will also enable the merger of New South Wales Telecommunications and Services Branch and the Victorian Telecommunications and Services Branch to form the Telecommunications and Services Branch.

(c) This Divisional Rule shall take effect on the merger date which shall be the date upon which the Rule is certified by the Fair Work Commission.

(d) On the merger date, Divisional Rule 44 shall be deleted and new Divisional Rule 44 shall take effect as follows:

Part B - CWU Central Branch

(e) For the purposes of this Part of this Divisional Rule:

(i) "transitional period" shall mean the period commencing on the merger date and ending on 31 July 2023.

(ii) "merged Branch" shall mean the CWU Central Branch.

(iii) "NSW P&T Branch" shall mean the NSW Postal and Telecommunications Branch.

(iv) "QLD Branch" shall mean the Queensland Communications Division Branch.

(v) "SA/NT Branch" shall mean the South Australian and Northern Territory Communications Division Branch.

(f) On the merger date, the NSW P&T Branch, the QLD Branch and the SA/NT Branch shall merge to form the merged Branch.

(g) On the merger date, Divisional Rule 46 shall be amended as follows:

(h) On the merger date, Divisional Rule 46A shall be amended as follows:

(i) On the merger date, a new Divisional Rule 46C shall be inserted as follows:

(j) On the merger date, Divisional Rule 75 shall be deleted and the new Divisional Rule 75 shall take effect as follows:

(l) On the merger date, Divisional Rule 76 shall be deleted and new Divisional Rule 76 shall take effect as follows:

(m) On the merger date, all offices in the NSW P&T Branch, the QLD Branch and the SA/NT Branch are abolished.

(n) On and from the merger date, the offices set out in Column B of the table below will be held by the persons holding the corresponding office set out in Column A immediately preceding the merger date until the date set out or described in Column C:


Branch President 
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch President (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Vice President (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President	
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Vice President (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch President 
QLD Branch		merged Branch Vice President (QLD)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President 
QLD Branch		merged Branch Vice President (QLD)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President 
QLD Branch		merged Branch Vice President (QLD)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President 	Merged Branch Vice President 
(Affirmative Action) 	(Affirmative Action) (QLD)			31 July 2023
QLD Branch		

Branch President 
SA/NT Branch		merged Branch Vice President (SA/NT)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President 
SA/NT Branch		merged Branch Vice President (SA/NT)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President 
SA/NT Branch		merged Branch Vice President (SA/NT)		31 July 2023

Branch Vice President 	merged Branch Vice President 
(Affirmative Action) 	(Affirmative Action) (SA/NT)			31 July 2023
SA/NT Communications Branch	

Branch Secretary 
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Secretary (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch Assistant Secretary
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Assistant Secretary (NSW/ACT)	31 July 2023

Branch Secretary QLD 
Communications Branch	merged Branch Assistant Secretary (QLD)		31 July 2023

Branch Assistant Secretary QLD 
Communications Branch 	merged Branch Organiser (QLD)			31 July 2023

Branch Secretary SA/NT 
Communications Branch	merged Branch Assistant Secretary (SA/NT)	31 July 2023
Branch Assistant Secretary 
SA/NT 			merged Branch Committee of Management 
Communications Branch	Member (SA/NT)					31 July 2023

Branch Organiser 
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Organiser (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch Organiser 
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Organiser (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch Organiser 
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Organiser (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch Organiser 
NSW P&T Branch		merged Branch Organiser (NSW/ACT)		31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Postal Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section Branch		Member (NSW/ACT)				31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Postal Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section Branch		Member (NSW/ACT)				31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Postal Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section Branch		Member (NSW/ACT)				31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Postal Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section Branch		Member (NSW/ACT)				31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Postal Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section Branch		Member (NSW/ACT)				31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Postal Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section Branch		Member (NSW/ACT)				31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Postal Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section Branch		Member (NSW/ACT)				31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Lines and 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
General Industry 
Section Branch 	Member (NSW/ACT)					31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Lines and 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
General Industry 
Section Branch 	Member (NSW/ACT)					31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Lines and 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
General Industry 
Section Branch 	Member (NSW/ACT)					31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
NSW P&T Lines and 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
General Industry 
Section Branch 	Member (NSW/ACT)					31 July 2023

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section QLD 		Member (QLD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section QLD 		Member (QLD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section QLD 		Member (QLD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section QLD 		Member (QLD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Telecommunications 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
and Information 	Member (QLD)					31 July 2023
Technology Industry Section QLD 
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Telecommunications 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
and Information 	Member (QLD)					31 July 2023
Technology Industry Section QLD 
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section SA/NT 		Member (SA/NTD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section SA/NT 		Member (SA/NTD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section SA/NT 		Member (SA/NTD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Postal Services Industry merged Branch Committee of Management 
Section SA/NT 		Member (SA/NTD)					31 July 2023
Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Telecommunications 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
and Information 	Member (SA/NT)					31 July 2023
Technology Industry Section 
(SA/NT) Communications Branch 	

Branch Committee of Management Member 
Telecommunications 	merged Branch Committee of Management 
and Information 	Member (SA/NT)					31 July 2023
Technology Industry Section 
(SA/NT) Communications Branch 	

(o) All decisions of the Branch Committee of Management of the merged Branch shall be made by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting. The votes cast by members of the Branch Committee of Management of the merged Branch shall be on a card system. Each such member shall exercise a vote weighted proportionately to the percentage of financial members of the merged Branch in the geographic area in which the member resides having been equally divided by among number of members of the Branch Committee of Management of the merged Branch from that geographic area entitled to vote.

For the purposes of this sub-rule:
 The percentage of financial members in a geographic area shall be the number of financial members resident in a geographic area on the day immediately preceding the merger date; and

 The geographic areas shall be:
o The State of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory;
o The State of Queensland; and
o The State of South Australia and the Northern Territory.

(p) (i) Delegates to Divisional Conference as at the merger date elected by and from the members of the NSW P&T Branch, QLD Branch and SA/NT Branch shall remain in office representing the merged Branch until 31 July 2023; and
(ii) Members elected to the Divisional Executive as at the merger date elected by members of the NSW P&T Branch, QLD Branch and SA/NT Branch shall remain in office representing the merged Branch until 31 July 2023.

(q) Any casual vacancy arising in respect of any office referred to in sub-rules (n) and (p) shall be filled by appointment of the Branch Committee of Management of the merged Branch notwithstanding where, in the case of an office referred to in sub-rule (n) not being a full time position, the Branch Committee of Management takes a decision to abolish the office for the remainder of the transitional period.

(r) On the merger date, the assets and liabilities of the NSW P&T Branch, the QLD Branch and the SA/NT Branch shall become the assets and liabilities of the merged Branch.

(s) Upon the merger date, all members of the NSW P&T Branch, the QLD Branch and the SA/NT Branch on the date prior to the merger date shall become members of the merged Branch without payment of entrance fees and shall maintain continuity of membership, retain voting rights in accordance with the Divisional Rules and any privileges will be preserved.

(t) On the merger date, any period of membership and/or financial membership in the NSW P&T Branch or the QLD Branch or the SA/NT Branch in accordance with the Division's Rules prior to the merger date, shall be deemed to be for all purposes a period of membership and/or financial membership of the merged Branch. Any period of unfinancial membership in the NSW P&T Branch or the QLD Branch or the SA/NT Branch in accordance with the Division's Rules prior to the merger date shall be deemed to be for all purposes a period of unfinancial membership of the merged Branch.

(u) A person holding life membership in the NSW P&T Branch, the QLD Branch or the SA/NT Branch on the day immediately preceding the merger date shall be deemed on the merger date to be a life member of the merged Branch for all purposes under the Divisional Rules.

(v) A person holding the appointment of a Returning Officer or a Deputy Returning Officer of the NSW P&T Branch on the day preceding the merger date, shall be deemed to be on the merger date, the Returning Officer or the Deputy Returning Officer of the merged Branch respectively.

(w) From the merger date, the persons who held office in the NSW P&T Branch, the QLD Branch and the SA/NT Branch prior to the merger date shall take all and every action and execute such documents as may be necessary for, or helpful in effecting the transfer of assets, funds and property and debts and liabilities of the NSW P&T Branch, the QLD Branch and the SA/NT Branch to the merged Branch.

Part C - Telecommunications and Services Branch

(x) For the purposes of this Part of the Divisional Rule:

(y) On the merger date, the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch shall merge to form the merged Branch.

(z) On the merger date, Divisional Rule 46B shall be amended as follows:

(aa) On the merger date, Divisional Rule 76A shall be amended as follows:

(bb) On the merger date, all offices in the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch are abolished.

(cc) On and from the merger date, the offices set out in Column B set out in the table below will be held by the person holding the corresponding office set out in Column A immediately preceding the merger date until the date set out or described in Column C:


Vic T&S Branch			T&S Branch	
Secretary		1	Secretary				    21 July 2023
President		1	President				    31 July 2023
Assistant Secretary	1	Committee of Management Member (Technical)  31 July 2023
Vice President		1	Committee of Management Member (Technical)  31 July 2023
Committee of Management 
(Technical)		7	Committee of Management Member (Technical)  31 July 2023
Committee of Management 
(Operator)		1	Committee of Management Member (Operator)   31 July 2023

NSW T&S Branch			
Secretary		1	Assistant Secretary			    31 July 2023
Branch Assistant 
Secretary		1	Committee of Management Member (Technical)  31 July 2023
President		1	Vice President (Technical)		    31 July 2023
Vice President 
(Technical)		2	Committee of Management Member (Technical)  31 July 2023
Vice President 
(Operator)		1	Vice President (Operator)		    31 July 2023
Committee of Management 
(Technical)		6	Committee of Management Member (Technical)  31 July 2023
Committee of Management 
(Operator)		1	Committee of Management Member (Operator)   31 July 2023

(dd) (i) Delegates to Divisional Conference as at the merger date elected by and from the members of the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch shall remain in office representing the merged Branch until 31 July 2023; and
(ii) Members elected to the Divisional Executive as at the merger date elected by members of the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch shall remain in office representing the merged Branch until 31 July 2023.

(ee) Any casual vacancy arising in respect of any office referred to in sub-rules (cc) and (dd) shall be filled by appointment of the Branch Committee of Management of the merged Branch notwithstanding where, in the case of an office referred to in sub-rule (cc) not being a full time position, the Branch Committee of Management takes a decision to abolish the office for the remainder of the transitional period.

(ff) On the merger date, the assets and liabilities of the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch shall become the assets and liabilities of the merged Branch.

(gg) Upon the merger date, all members of the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch on the date prior to the merger date shall become members of the merged Branch without payment of entrance fees and shall maintain continuity of membership, retain voting rights in accordance with the Divisional Rules and any privileges will be preserved.

(hh) On the merger date, any period of membership and/or financial membership in the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch in accordance with the Division's Rules prior to the merger date, shall be deemed to be for all purposes a period of membership and/or financial membership of the merged Branch. Any period of unfinancial membership in the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch in accordance with the Division's Rules prior to the merger date shall be deemed to be for all purposes a period of unfinancial membership of the merged Branch.

(ii) A person holding life membership in the NSW T&S Branch or the Vic T&S Branch on the day immediately preceding the merger date shall be deemed on the merger date to be a life member of the merged Branch for all purposes under the Divisional Rules.

(jj) A person holding the appointment of a Returning Officer or a Deputy Returning Officer of the Vic T&S Branch on the day preceding the merger date, shall be deemed to be on the merger date, the Returning Officer or the Deputy Returning Officer of the merged Branch respectively.

(kk) From the merger date, the persons who held office in the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch prior to the merger date shall take all and every action and execute such documents as may be necessary for, or helpful in effecting the transfer of assets, funds and property and debts and liabilities of the NSW T&S Branch and the Vic T&S Branch to the merged Branch.

Part D - Miscellaneous Amendments

(ll) On the merger date, Rule 4(n) shall be amended by deleting the words "constituted by Rules 46, 46A and 46B" with "constituted by Rules 46, 46A, 46B and 46C"

(mm) On the merger date a new Divisional Rule 5A shall be inserted as follows:

(nn) On the merger date a new Divisional Rule 11A shall be inserted as follows:

(nn) On the merger date a new Divisional Rule 11A shall be inserted as follows:
