Weekly Bulletin


Number 17       5 May 2024


Please note my new email address ddwyer@cwu.asn.au (The old address will continue for several months.)


The Unions and 000VIC were in the process of drafting the new in-principle agreement.
However, there has been a recent disagreement between the parties about the understanding of years of service and how they apply in the new Classification Structure (CS). 000VIC has back flipped on what was agreed upon and understood by the Unions.
The Unions have written to 000VIC to notify them that unless previous service at 000VIC is recognised in the CS for all purposes - we do not have any agreement in principle.
We are still waiting for a response from 000VIC.
Officials and Delegates are acutely aware that members are frustrated by the delays, as we are, because this could have been completely avoided if 000VIC has properly communicated their position over the last 14 months of bargaining.
The Unions therefore notified 000VIC last week that the uniform ban will recommence at 0600 hours on Wednesday, 8 May 2024.
As a reminder to all, Action No. 4 (Uniform ban) is:
Employees will not perform work unless wearing union uniform and/or clothing other than ESTA uniform.


We met with NBN last week and received some explanations in written form. Unfortunately some large questions are unresolved. We have not reached an agreement.
NBN says it is prepared to start discussing in July/August, amendments to the current EBA which would come into force in May 2025.
Our Branch believes that a separate EBA is needed and that discussions start immediately. We set out the responses below and on our special FE Web Page


There are two pathways to follow.
First there are "global" issues - those affecting everyone. These include: Button compliance, SOD/EOD and Scheduled work.
Secondly there are the issues of individual contracts.
The first issue was discussed on the Branch Thursday hookup. Keep records. On the second issue, T&S Branch members should contact me directly to discuss the situation. You will note that NBN is prepared to amend some contracts even if you have already signed.


Post has taken some time to work through the substantial log of claims submitted on behalf of members for this round of bargaining for a new EBA11. See the Post Log of Claims
Post have agreed in principle to the retention of the Retraining, Redeployment and Redundancy (RRR) Agreement, unaltered and in its entirety. We will recommence formal discussions over the next few weeks in our continued efforts to secure a new EBA11 that delivers the recognition, respect, job security and a decent pay increase.


The unions submitted the following claims this week:
1. Abolish junior rates.
The practice of paying lower wages to younger workers, is inherently discriminatory as it is solely based on age. It perpetuates inequality in the workplace and sends a message that younger employees are less valued simply because of their age, as members of society business have a responsibility to promote fairness and equality in the workplace.
2. Adjustment to allowances.
Under our proposal, all employees covered by the Agreement will be eligible for payment of all allowances contained within it. We are also seeking the following flat-rate increases to allowances, independent of any increases which would flow on from any movement in wages:
- First aid, $25.
- Meal allowance-all employees, $36
- Travel allowance. Increase in food and drink. Breakfast $32.10, Lunch $36.10, Dinner $61.50, Incidentals, $23.
- On Call, $15 each night, $30 each day and night.
- Emergent call, $25 each night, $60 each day and night.
- Immediate call, $15 per hour.
- Split shift allowance to increase by 10%
- Higher duties, removal of 4 week qualifying period for Job family employees, (clause 62.1 (b) ).
- Removal of qualifying period of 1d or 1w for work stream employees depending on salary of the higher role. (clause 62.1(c))
- Relocation to another retail outlet, $35 per day.
- Motor vehicle garaging allowance, $15 per day.
- Materials storage allowance. $5 per day
- Amenities allowance of $5 per day.
3. Superannuation.
Our claim includes mandatory increases to superannuation, during the life of the agreement, to be paid in addition to fixed remuneration - not to be off-set or absorbed into fixed remuneration or other payments. Our claim also seeks to have Superannuation payable against any workers' compensation payments. Lastly, we are seeking for Superannuation to be paid on all hours worked, not just ordinary time earnings - this would ensure that employees receive Superannuation contributions on their overtime earnings.
4. Access to Rostered Days Off (RDOs)
We are seeking for all employees to be eligible to participate in a 9 day fortnight work schedule and for Telstra, in consultation with your Union, to discuss the parameters required to operationalise this. We also seek for employees to be able to accrue and `bank' RDOs, as a form of purchased leave, which a clearly defined right for employees to actually avail of this time off.


At this week's meeting, Telstra have responded to our claim to abolish Telstra's involuntarily rostering of employees on to annual leave for the duration of the annual shutdown. When responding to this claim, Telstra claimed to have listened to the overwhelming feedback on this issue. However, their response suggests otherwise.
Telstra have rejected our claim and will continue their practice of involuntarily rostering employees on leave during the annual shutdown. However, they have proposed to introduce the following measures:
Commitments to be included within the EBA:
1. A notice period for annual leave directions of 8 weeks
2. Exemptions for those employees with low balances or future planned leave.
3. No directions to take unpaid leave.
4. Ability to take alternative leave types. ( Long service leave)
Commitments to be included, outside the EBA:
1. A second leave purchasing window.
2. An extension of ability to purchase leave to those employees with an accrual of three months or less, rather than the current two months.
3. Bonus leave day to continue.
4. Ability to apply carve out for some teams.

We have rejected Telstra's response and requested they reconsider their position on this matter of contention.


The Board of Telstra Super Pty Ltd announced its intention to explore merger options for the Telstra Superannuation Scheme (TelstraSuper). It said:
For more than 30 years TelstraSuper has had the privilege of providing members with award-winning retirement solutions, strong long-term returns, competitive fees and a leading member experience. The Fund is currently in a strong and healthy position with positive net member growth, high member advocacy and a growing retirement segment.
After careful consideration of the Fund's long-term strategy where size and scale are increasingly important, the TelstraSuper Board has determined that our members' interests will be best served in the long term by seeking a suitable merger partner aligned to the Fund's objectives and values.
Originally established exclusively for Telstra employees but now serving a much broader membership, less than one quarter of TelstraSuper members currently work for the Telstra group of companies.
While the Fund explores merger options, there will be no change in the operations of the Fund or our commitment to helping members achieve the best retirement outcome possible.


Optus has advised:
In reviewing our operating model, we're making some changes to realign our strengths, skills, and capabilities to ensure we are best positioned to deliver on our priorities in FY25 and beyond.
As a result, we have identified a total of 81 roles are no longer required and proposed to be made redundant across Optus' IT, Customer Success, Networks, Finance (within the Billing and Credit functions), Enterprise and Business as well as Data and Cyber Transformation divisions.
We will also be creating a small number of new positions for which affected employees will be offered / considered.


Did you know that until 1974 women workers were excluded from the minimum wage? And it was women unionists, fifty years ago today, that put an end to the discriminatory practice of separate minimum wages based on gender.
The 1974 Equal Pay ruling, based on the principle that women should receive equal pay for their labour, challenged the sexist assumptions that perpetuated wage inequality.
The historic victory was the result of campaigning by women unionists like Edna Ryan and Muriel Heagney, over many decades of fighting for gender equality.
While the legal framework for equal pay exists today, achieving true equality in practice remains a challenge. But as always, union members are leading the way.
Working women, particularly those in feminised industries, continue to face systemic barriers and wage disparities rooted in the undervaluing of their work.
Which is why unions are calling for a 9% pay rise for workers in key feminised industries in this year's Annual Wage Review.
A 9% pay increase will be a vital first step in the ongoing struggle to address the gender pay gap and ensuring that women are properly respected and paid for their contributions in the workforce.
For more than a century, unionists have been taking action to win equality.
Today, we honour the legacy of union women who fought for equal pay and recommit ourselves to the ongoing fight for fair wages.

  • 0428 942 878 dan.dwyer@cwunion.net Dan Dwyer
          Secretary/Lawyer - industrial matters & advice
  • NSW Home Page
  • 03 9663 6815 cdtsvic@cwu.asn.au Administrative
          eg payments, applications (Open 8am-4pm MTWT)
  • Vic Home Page
  • Authorised by Dan Dwyer Secretary - CWU Telecommunications & Services Branches.

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