Next steps
The Unions are waiting to hear from Julius Roe, as to whether 000Vic and the Vic Government will accept another counter offer. We will keep you informed.
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU), Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (CEPU), United Firefighters' Union (UFU) and United Workers' Union (UWU) has met with Triple Zero Victoria (000VIC) to further discuss the recognition of service within the proposed Classification Structure, which has been in dispute. Following the meetings, 000VIC have proposed some arrangements to resolve the issues and move forward with the Agreement.
The Unions are seeking input from all of our membership about the proposed agreement as it is, via a survey, following those discussions. Detailed below are the improvements to your current conditions achieved during bargaining for the purposes of completing the survey.
Please take the time to thoroughly read through and understand the whole bulletin inclusive of `What happens if there is no in-principle agreement'. Attached is also a tool in the form of an Excel Spreadsheet that allows employees to establish your rate of pay under the proposed structure:
if it was applied now (which enables employees to make a direct comparison with their current rate); and
your rate of pay when the 3% is applied (which would be your rate when the structure is implemented after approval of the Agreement).
See 20 May - Seeking Member Input
Members are asked to then complete the 1-minute survey linked at the bottom of the bulletin, which will close by COB, Friday 24 May 2024. Each Union is responsible for their own memberships' survey details to maintain member privacy.
The nominal expiry date of the 2019 Agreement was 30 June 2023.
Negotiations for a new agreement have been long and tedious.
Sue Riley from our Branch has led our delegation with a number of delegates.
On 4 April 2024, an agreement has been reached in principle.
See the EBA 2024 ESTA Heads of Agreement
An EBA now needs to be drafted with these principles applied.
Note a work calendar for the implementation of the commitments in the
Agreement will be developed during the drafting period.
Member meetings will be held over the next couple of weeks, or alternatively
You can email your Industrial Officer below to advise whether you endorse
the proposal outlined above. Drafting the new Agreement will be concluded by 30th April.
Government departments will officially sign off, then all employees will be required to vote on the new Enterprise Agreement. If the majority vote yes, it will be lodged at the FWC for approval.