14 July 2024
A member recently won a routine promotion. Job advertised, application, selection etc. However it is clear now that Post HQ have adopted a new policy where everyone must sign a new common law employment contract, else the offer will be withdrawn. Post has a template contract which we understand to contain the following clause:
4.3 Set-off
(a) Your remuneration takes into account the duties and responsibilities of your position with Australia Post, and is in satisfaction of any monetary entitlements that may be payable to You under any law or industrial instrument including but not limited to the EA and the Determination which may apply to Your employment from time to time including, but not limited to, classifications and minimum wage rates, overtime, penalty rates, shift allowances/penalties, payments on public holidays, annual leave loading, travelling expenses, meal breaks, meal allowances and any other allowances (including, but not limited to, higher duties allowance, first aid allowance, living away from home allowance, vehicle allowance).
In simple terms, your salary is in satisfaction of any entitlements including overtime, shift penalties etc. i.e. No paid overtime, no penalties etc.
Our advice has been to not sign a contract with this clause unless you get advice.
There are other problem clauses where you will also need advice. Watch the developments as we challenge this.
NBN has advised staff as follows:
As an employee performing a role covered by the nbn Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025, we are contacting you to confirm that the next scheduled wage increase of 3.6% applies from the first full pay cycle on or after 1 July 2024. nbn is applying this rate for EA covered employees instead of the 3.25% wage increase provided for in the Enterprise Agreement.
Additionally, employer superannuation contributions will increase from 11% to 11.5% and be applied from 1 July 2024. This increase ensures that nbn meets the legislation requiring all Australian employer superannuation contributions for their employees to increase to 12% by July 2025.
A number of comments have been submitted to TZV following release of a draft EBA. We were advised that the comments are being processed and we will see outcomes shortly.
The outcome of the Ventia Telecommunications Fieldwork Agreement 2024 ballot is a `Yes' vote. Total YES votes 124 (65.96%) Total NO votes 64 (34.04%). The EBA will now be submitted to the FWC for ratification.
The Telstra EBAs have been voted up with strong votes. This is at odds with feedback
to our union and particularly our Branch.
Based on the real cut in wages in Telstra, members and our union opposed the
Telstra offers. The pay cuts were real and significant.
(See the
Telstra EBA campaign
page for CPI numbers.)
Given current inflation of about 4%, there is no catch-up at all.
Your thoughts are welcome.
For more details of the Telstra offer, see the
Telstra EBA campaign
Telstra Retail Stores Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027
No. Of Eligible Voters 3614
Total No. Of Votes 1644 (45%) Response Rate
Total 'Yes' Votes 1421 (86%)
Total 'No' Votes 223 (14%)
Telstra Limited Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027
No. Of Eligible Voters 17882
Total No. Of Votes 11808 (66%) Response Rate
Total 'Yes' Votes 8511 (72%)
Total 'No' Votes 3297 (28%)
Amplitel Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027
No. Of Eligible Voters 118
Total No. Of Votes 80 (68%) Response Rate
Total 'Yes' Votes 69 (86%)
Total 'No' Votes 11 (14%)
Telstra Infraco Fixed Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027
No. Of Eligible Voters 1107
Total No. Of Votes 768 (69%) Response Rate
Total 'Yes' Votes 532 (69%)
Total 'No' Votes 236 (31%)
It appears that some Branches will support the Post EBA.
But see below the view of Tasmanian members.
See the in principle agreement in last week's
Bulletin 28
(4% pa over 3 years. No Trade Offs, Delegates Charter). See Post Offer. There is no mention of technical staff or of the responses to our log of claims. We are reserving our position until we hear more.
Time to tell Post what you think of their 4% wage `cut' offer
Not only has Post ignored all other claims, but they are also proposing no relief from the cost of living wave which has smashed workers in the last couple of years, or made no inroads into the fact Post jobs are shamefully underpaid for the work they do.
4% is a predictable offer from Post, who think the workers are pushovers, and 4% would be a genuinely poor outcome compared to other well Unionised workplaces.
CPI tipped over 8% in Tassie at its peak, meaning the 6% wage top ups Post offered still didn't maintain the real value of workers wages during and after Covid.
Roll all that into a ball, and workers need to push back and reject this 4% `offer'.
Not only that, but fire up and make a stand. We are being contacted by groups of workers from outside Tassie who want to know what they can do to express their anger at once again being offered rubbish by the company.
The hypocrisy of the people pushing this `offer' on your, who earn hundreds of thousands, even millions a year, and the managers parroting the lines about it being a good offer is as sad as it is pathetic.
Post as an organisation is completely upside down in where it places value, but that's because workers allow it to happen.
You've got nothing to lose in fighting back for a decent outcome. So, what say you?
Next steps: Complete the text survey which will be sent in the next couple of days, this will give your delegates crucial data to plan next steps. If you want better because Post don't value your labour, your only option is to withdraw your labour to show it. Get ready. Your Union delegates
Aus Post has advised:
As you know last year we nominated Wed 23 August as the Authorised Day, we chose this day having regard to the impact on our customers and the community to ensure minimal impact on our Network. We are proposing to nominate a similar date being Wed 14 August as the Authorised Day for this year.
The vast majority of our team members have opted to take a day of annual leave in lieu of the Authorised Day. Our team members have the option to submit their preference for the Authorised Day in line with Clause 29.1(c)(i).
From Telstra (extracts):
We're making some changes to our mobile pricing. Here's why
Today we announced we're making changes to our mobile plans, with prices increasing by $2 to $4 per month for most customers. The changes will come into effect on Aug 27 for our postpaid customers and Oct 22 for pre-paid customers.
I know that price increases can be tough for some, especially when cost of living pressures are high, so I wanted to give you some of the context around the decision and why we are doing this now.
Why we are making changes now
A major priority for us is providing our customers access to Australia's largest and most reliable mobile network and we're proud to offer around one million square kilometres more coverage than our closest competitor...
In May, we told customers we were changing the terms of our postpaid mobile plans to remove the CPI-linked annual price review. We did this to simplify our pricing approach and give us more flexibility to adjust prices across different plans based on their value propositions and customer needs. We've now updated our customer terms and since made the decision to review our postpaid and pre-paid mobile prices together...
How we're supporting customers, including our people
We're conscious of the impact any price change has on our customers and employees. We're committed to offering a range of plans with no lock in month-to-month contracts to give flexibility, as well as the employee discount for eligible Telstra services..
Authorised by Dan Dwyer Secretary
- CWU Telecommunications & Services Branches.