Weekly Bulletin


Number 40       27 September 2024


For the next 4 weeks I will be on leave. Because of the technicalities in sending many Bulletins, our format will change during this period. We will resume the current format in November. NSW Members note: In the next few weeks, a Bulletin may be sent from Victoria. If you receive an email from cepu01@tmr3.com, it is legitimate. It is the email address that our messaging service uses.


While I am on leave, John Ellery will be the Branch Secretary. My work phone number 0428 942 878 will be diverted to John. His direct number is 0419 823 580. I will attend to TZV Facebook posts on every other day. Please contact John Ellery on his mobile or via email office@cwu.asn.au


We have been assisting some support staff as TZV announces job cuts and redundancies. What has become apparent is that the TZV policy is not fit for purpose. First it is not compliant with the National Employment Standards. Next, TZV is giving an interpretation to the policy that is inconsistent with its words. We discussed this with TZV this week but were unable to reach agreement. Here some (very brief) key points that must apply:

  • Note these different words of progression: Potential redundancy, Redundant and Retrenchment.
  • When TZV decides to reduce the number of workers it must consult about potential redundancies.
  • Once consultations have concluded, TZV decides whether jobs (not individuals) are actually Redundant.
  • Then comes 3 months of action for individuals to look for suitable alternate positions (redeployment).
  • Where deployment has not been successful (ie at the end of 3 months) TZV may retrench a worker by giving notice.
  • The Policy is that Notice is 4 weeks, or 5 weeks if aged over 45.
  • Redundancy pay can then be calculated from the years of service formula.
  • The 3 month redeployment period can be shortened by agreement.


    We reported in earlier Bulletins that some E000 workers have been advised of pay increases exceeding 10% and 11%. We asked Telstra to explain the unexpected increases. This is their response (we will follow up to get more details.)

    This could be due to two reasons:
    1. through bargaining, we have uplifted our minimum rates under the new EAs to at least 10% above the award rates; and/or
    2. this year, we also made the decisions to ensure most employees were brought up to at least the entry point of their remuneration range.
    Both items formed where considered as part of our recent remuneration review i.e. employees would not see the above separate to their merit-based EA increase (the pay pool of 4%) all of which take effect on 1 October.
    This is not due to 'same job, same pay' considerations.


    From the UNI Bulletin: (UNI is Union Networked International based in Geneva It covers all Telecom workers across the world I worked for UNI for 5 years as the Telecom Asia Pacific Regional Director)

    From Black Friday to Cyber Monday, our unions will be uniting to Make Amazon Pay and win for workers. Will you stand with our brothers and sisters at Amazon?
    See Make Amazon Pay
    As in past years, the strongest response to Amazon's brutal anti-union practices and unrealistic productivity quotas will come from usunions, workers, and alliesorganizing and rising up during the busiest shopping days of the year.
    Our UNI Amazon Global Union Alliance is building momentum, and with your union's participation, we can drive real, lasting change. That's why we are asking all unions from the UNI family to take part in Make Amazon Pay day.
    UNI's work has evolved into a global movement with significant wins. This summer, warehouse workers in India challenged dangerous productivity targets during extreme heat, leading to a federal investigation and forcing Amazon to reverse harmful policies. Alliance unions continue to build worker power, with new strikes and organizing efforts in the US, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Canada, and beyond.
    Together, we have the power to hold Amazon accountable. In solidarity, Christy Hoffman General Secretary UNI Global Union

  • 0428 942 878 ddwyer@cwu.asn.au Dan Dwyer
          Secretary/Lawyer - industrial matters & advice
  • 03 9663 6815 office@cwu.asn.au Administrative
          eg payments, applications (Open 8am-4pm MTWT)
  • Authorised by Dan Dwyer Secretary - CWU Telecommunications & Services Branches. - Home Page

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