Become a Delegate

How do I become a Union Workplace Delegate?

Being a Union Workplace Delegate can be immensely rewarding. Instead of sitting back and feeling frustrated or powerless about what’s happening, you can take action. You can help others negotiate difficult issues, like grievances. You can be a key contact point for workplace issues. And you’ll get training and support.

The first step

The first step to take if you’re considering becoming a Union Delegate, is to contact your branch office by phone on 03 9349 4411 or by email.

Get yourself nominated

To become a workplace delegate you must be a financial member and be supported by your workplace friends. Just fill in a nomination form and have your co-workers nominate and second your nomination. If there is more than one nomination in your workplace, your co-workers will need to arrange a workplace election. For a less formal process simply contact the branch office.

Workplaces also have Alternate delegates to support the main delegate. Becoming an alternate delegate is an easy way to start!

Do people get paid when on Union Delegate training?

Access to approved trade union training/leave may be provided under a relevant award or agreement. (Seek advice from the CWU Office).

If applicable, this is provided in addition to your normal entitlements to annual and other leave.

As a CWU workplace delegate, you can count on getting support and training from your union.

What kind of training is available?

The workplace rep training provided by the union gives you the opportunity to be trained in the roles and responsibilities of workplace reps, and how to deal with issues like member grievances.

You can also get occupational health and safety training, although many workplaces may also have specialist workplace health and training representatives.

What other help will I get?

The union has a team of organisers, a lawyer and our leaders to support you. You’ll also get training on how to do your job!

How often are rep training courses offered?

The CWU runs workplace rep training courses throughout the year.

Contact the union office on 03 9663 6815 for access to training, and to find out when the next courses are available.

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