General Protection

Union membership is your protection at work

It’s a bit like insuring your job (just like you would an expensive car, your home, or your health!)

If you had an expensive car, you would insure it right? You probably have insurance on your home and many other possessions. It’s common to take out private health insurance to cover the expenses of falling ill or being in an accident. And you can ensure your life to protect your family in case the unthinkable happens.

You probably think of it as necessary, and even crazy not to insure yourself and your belongings against unforeseen occurrences. After all, you can’t predict the future! So why is it that you don’t have insurance on one of the most – if not THE most – important part of your life? Your job.

Union membership is like having job insurance. It’s a way of making your job is as safe as possible!

It means you’ll always have someone to call if you find yourself in a tight spot, or if you suddenly find yourself in a really bad situation.

You will not be alone! You’ll have someone to give you the right advice and the support that you need. Whether it’s to talk about redundancies, workplace health and safety, or if you’re worried you’re not being paid properly, you’ll have help. You’ll have access to the expertise you need, and information on what is happening across many workplaces. That means you’ll get larger perspective on whether your workplace meets the industry standard.

Insure yourself, your family, and your job! And, get the support you need! Join the CWU today!

Being a union member gives you a say!

In today’s modern workforce, it’s easy to feel like your voice is not being heard by your employer. Especially if you work in a big corporation that fires as quickly as they hire.

Are there things that you’re unhappy about, or improvements to working conditions that you’d like to see at your company? Speaking up on your own is a daunting task. How do you have your say without jeopardising your job?

That’s where the union can help you! Industrial awards and enterprise agreements (EAs) are negotiated by the union on your behalf. This work is paid for by members, and members get a say in what is negotiated for your workplace.

So if you’re a member, you get a say! And, under Australian law, you have a right to be a union member. That means, you must not be discriminated against for being a member of your union. You’ll be protected against bullying and scare tactics by your employer. By being part of your union, you have the strength to make your voice heard!

Sick of feeling powerless in your workplace? Real strength is found in numbers

When was the last time you asked for a pay rise? You may feel that you’re worth more, but putting your foot down for what you deserve is hard when you’re all on your own.

Do you sometimes feel powerless, downtrodden, or just unappreciated in your workplace? What if you and your colleagues could stand up together?

It makes sense! The more people that are at the negotiation table, the more likely your employers are to yield to your requests.

This is why unionism is, and always has been, seriously effective!

There is clear evidence, across many industries that the more union members there are, the better the pay and conditions you get. For example, the highest level of union membership among teachers (about 80 per cent) is found in Queensland. It’s no coincidence that Queensland teachers have the highest rates of pay of any teachers in Australia! Why aren’t you in on this kind of power?

You can get these kinds of results in your workplace too! By joining the CWU, you get the strength that’s only found in numbers!

Join today and stand up for the pay and conditions you deserve.

We work for you to make your workplace better

Your union works for you to get the best possible outcomes in industrial negotiations.

We work with you and with your employer, on your behalf. We identify the issues of concern, represent you and other staff to your employer, and find effective solutions to improve your work conditions and environment.

With your union working for you, you get results! And you don’t have the pressure of having to negotiate with your boss by yourself. You can relax and let the experts in workplace relations, do what they do best!

If you are up against a really tough and unfair employer, you’ll have access to all the legal powers available to make your voice heard. That might mean the union supporting you and your workplace colleagues taking industrial action or getting a hearing before an independent arbitrator, like Fair Work Australia.

Whatever the situation, you’ll be covered!

Do you know what to do if you have a problem at work? The union is here to help.

Do you know what to do if you ever have a serious problem at work? Or, what about the simple things… Do you know how to lodge a grievance? What to do if your pay rate is incorrect? Or how to find out which award you’re covered by? You might want to know what sick leave or compassionate leave entitlements you have, or whether you’re entitled to overtime.

It is likely that one day you will need help with something more serious, like redundancy or retrenchment, workers compensation, or unfair dismissal.

Who will you call or where will find the right information? How will you know what to do?

You can call your union, and get the support and advice you need.

As a member, you can call your union at any time to get support and information on all employment issues. You can do it by phone, communicate by email, or meet in person. You’ll have your own personal expert advisory service!

If an issue is really serious, the union may also agree to represent you in a formal industrial hearing. You will not be alone! You can rest assured that whether you just need a little advice, or you need someone to go into bat on your behalf, your union will be there to help!

The unions’ history of protecting workers speaks for itself

Throughout history, all major positive changes to employment conditions have been as a result of union action!

These include:

  • The right of workers to form a union which elects its own independent representatives
  • Awards to ensure that employers observe minimum wages and working conditions
  • Minimum wage
  • Equal pay
  • Long service leave
  • Pay loading for evenings, nights and weekends
  • Paid public holidays
  • Periodic wage increases
  • Maternity/adoption/parental leave
  • Annual leave and leave loading
  • Protective clothing and equipment provided by the employer
  • Occupational health and safety laws
  • Compensation for injury
  • Occupational superannuation
  • The right to be given notice and to be consulted about changes at work (eg new technology, planned retrenchments, new working arrangements)
  • Personal carer’s leave.

So who do you want to be there when serious issues happen in your workplace?

Make sure that you can call the experts! And ensure that your job is protected!

Join CWU today!

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