10 November 2024
We are almost ready to file our claim in this matter. We argue that all time worked must be paid time, This includes Start of Day and End of Day actions. Overtime is also payable. Our claim will cover Field Engineers as well as others with SOD and EOD work.
The Log of Claims are being addressed by the negotiating committee. The meetings are weekly on Thursday. The first call of the card is basically an explanation of the claims and reasons for the changes. Nothing is being agreed in isolation.
We have prepared our case for lodgement in the Court, seeking to resolve this dispute. In a Q&A document issued by Nokia about 18 June, Nokia stated: Q: Why the change? A: The payroll vendor no longer offers a fortnightly payroll system; this necessitates a change to monthly pay frequency. This change also aligns with Nokia's efforts on simplification and standardization.
The law is in your Award. It states: At the election of the employer, wages may be paid weekly or fortnightly.
We did take the matter to the FWC but it was not resolved. This matter will affect most employees.
We have now placed the full decision in the case on our web page. See
CFW Decision
We have reported on the win already. However you might be interested in Telstra's immediate reaction. This is from Telstra to staff:
Hi Team, Some of you may be aware that there was a case being heard in the Victorian Magistrate's court in relation to the job grading of roles that do certain types of fibre work. Acknowledging the complexity of classifying work as technology changes, the court has determined that the work undertaken in this case should be graded at a CFW Band 5.
As you all appreciate, job grading for workstream is based on the core jobs which are over 20 years old. We have been working constructively with the CEPU for over 12 months to seek to update them and ensure clarity of grading in the future. Despite best intentions, this has proven to be a slow process to date, but we remain committed to having in place core jobs that reflect the important work that you all do.
We are now seeking to understand the details of the Court's decision and will provide more information in relation to next steps in the coming days. Beba Brunt
Members are receiving their FY24 Annual Review Summary Statements which set out new salaries. We mentioned in an earlier Bulletin that some received pay rises in excess of 10%. It appears to us that most agents are now receiving a Fixed Remuneration $65,339. We are interested in how the performance ratings now operate so any comments are sought.
TZV has advised as follows:
For the pay period ending 27 December 2024:
ECS pays will be processed including all penalties and entitlements up to and including Wednesday 25 December 2024 as per usual. Support Office pays will be processed with a revised cut off time of 12pm Tuesday 24 December 2024 to allow for forms to be received and included. Funds will be paid into employee bank accounts on Tuesday 31 December 2024 pay day.
For the pay period ending January 25 2025:
ECS and Support Office pays will be processed with no change to cut off times or inclusions and funds will be paid into employee bank accounts on Tuesday 28 January 2024 pay day.
Members are reporting that additional tracking devices are being introduced. Workers have been directed that they must carry a tracking token on our person at all times. Given the tracking already in place, it appears that it's not for safety, it's so they can monitor workers at all times. Workers always have a mobile signal to call 000 or the security hotline. Vehicles are already tracked.
We have not been consulted. We need to know how to turn the software off, is it 24/7 tracking, who gets the data, what explanations exist etc. We will follow up.
Optus has advised as follows:
Optus proactively reviews its practices and processes as we are committed to ensuring everyone receives their correct entitlements. As part of this commitment, Optus has been reviewing the minimum rates of pay set for employees who are covered under the EPA 2022. These minimum rates last increased on 1 July 2024.
Under EPA 2022, where the relevant March CPI published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is at variance with the actual CPI by more than 0.5%, the minimum rate CPI adjustment for the following year will take such variance into account.
In the transition from the EPA 2018 to EPA 2022, a variance of greater than 0.5% was not applied, noting that strictly speaking there may not be a requirement to take this variance into account between the two enterprise agreements. Notwithstanding this, Optus is of the view that it is appropriate to do so in favour of employees to whom the EPA 2022 applies.
The effect of this decision is that Optus is applying an increase to the minimum rates of pay applicable from 1 July 2024.
For employees who currently earn below the new minimum rate, Optus will make a salary adjustment to lift the employee's rate of pay to the new minimum pay rate, effective from 10 November 2024. Where applicable, a back-payment, applying the new minimum rate, for the relevant period from 1 July 2024 to 9 November 2024 will also be processed in the next pay cycle.
Optus is also undertaking a review of remuneration for employees that have left Optus prior to 10 November 2024. Optus anticipates that the minimum rates prior to 1 July 2024 may also be adjusted and is undertaking the review for the periods prior to 1 July 2024.
We anticipate having this information available in the first half of 2025 and will contact employees where a back-payment will be made.
0428 942 878 Dan Dwyer
Secretary/Lawyer - industrial matters & advice
03 9663 6815 Administrative
eg payments, applications (Open 8am-4pm MTWT)
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