9 February 2025
Alas we have to review membership fees on a regular basis to ensure that your
union is viable into the future and continues to provide professional and
timely service.
We have increased fees (from 1 April) generally in line with EBA increases
but the amounts vary as we slowly bring the fees of our former NSW and VIC Branches into line. TZV fees have not increased for several years and so the increases are slightly higher. The increases vary but most are around 50 cents/week. We will post all the various rates on our web page.
NBN has begun the ballot process to have the new EBA approved. Negotiations were terminated by NBN with several issues unresolved. While there are always matters unresolved, we are disappointed that difficult clauses remain.
Given this, we cannot support a YES vote. A successful NO vote would drive us back to negotiations to further improve the benefits. In short, we urge a NO vote.
NBN has advised that the Ballot will open on Friday 14 Feb and will close on 20 Feb 2025. Voting will be online.
We reported last week that Telstra was upgrading some CFW4 positions. This week several members received notice that they would be upgraded to CFW5 (no doubt forced on them as a result of our Branch win in the Optical Fibre case.)
However there are some issues of concern raised in their notice to members.
First it is only temporary and paid as higher duties. Second, it is only a "preliminary" assessment. Thirdly there is another "final" assessment before it becomes permanent. Fourthly, there is no acknowledgement of backpay.
We are meeting with Telstra next week and will seek some explanations.
Notwithstanding we will pursue upgrades, which will be permanent, with backpay.
For those who did not get a letter, some important extracts in the letter were:
Based on this preliminary assessment, we anticipate that if the proposed updated Core Job Descriptions come into effect as currently drafted (and following agreement with the union) your role will likely fall under the updated CFW5 Communication Technician Core Job Description.
We acknowledge this review process is taking longer than we anticipated. Because of this, as a gesture of good faith while we continue to work through this review, we will be temporarily applying a higher duties allowance to bring your fixed remuneration in line with that of a CFW5.
The higher duties allowance will begin on 13 February 2025, and cease on the earlier of:
31 July 2025 (or a subsequent date as determined by Telstra), or
the date that agreed updated Core Job Descriptions come into effect.
If updated Core Job Descriptions are agreed and come into effect, we will conduct a further assessment to confirm whether your role falls under the final version of the updated CFW5 Communication Technician Core Job Description. If it does, then you will be reclassified as a CFW5 at that point, paid an ongoing CFW5 salary for your role and any remaining higher duties allowance will cease.
Following our request seeking interest in the EBA negotiating process, we held a meeting last week to discuss our processes. We now have our EBA Steering Committee. There are still some work areas where we would benefit with a representative and we are following this up. See below for Log of Claims.
We seek your input for our log of claims for TZV Support members. We thank members for their input so far. The following matters will be referred to our Steering Committee for consideration for our log of claims. The EBA Steering Committee will adjust these claims as feedback is received and they are consolidated.
Salary Increases of 7%, 6% and 5%.
Allowances Increases
On Call arrangements remove 30 min provision
On Call Rates
First Aid Allowance increase
Mental Health Days - 2 per year
RDO's (for 9 day fortnight)
In Lieu day if the RDO falls on a Public Holiday.
Uniform allowances - same as operational staff
Option to accrue 38 hr WIL Leave
An extra week of Annual Leave (to 5 weeks.)
Public Holiday Day-In-Lieu, if it falls on a weekend.
Overtime allowances to match those of ECS Staff,
Redundancy benefits
Rules around big brother monitoring - e.g. keyboard activity, swiping in and out, etc.
TZV has responded to the joint union claim that backpay be paid within a month. The unions will meet again this week to move ahead with the dispute. The TZV response stated:
We acknowledge your correspondence addressed to. Michael Fawcett dated 4 February 2025 and further acknowledge notification of a dispute under Clause 66.1 of the TZV Operations Enterprise' Agreement.
As set out in the correspondence dated 30 January 2025, TZV provided a breakdown of all entitlements payable under the Agreement.
As detailed in this correspondence the payroll system ADP, does not have the ability to automatically calculate an entitlement in such instances where in addition to any percentage wage increase (ie 3%) AND concurrently make additional multi-adjustments for any incremental increases arising from the introduction of the new classification structure.
These increment increases which have been introduced as a result of the new classification structure occur multiple times in the period April 2024 to January 2025 and have to be calculated and entered manually. This represents more than 1300 payroll manual interventions. As advised we have engaged out payroll team in overtime since early January in preparation for this work but the reality is this component of the Agreement will take time to manually process.
TZV are committed to ensuring that the work is completed as soon as is possible and it is hoped that we will complete this inside of the proposed timeline but in the interests of transparency we are unable to commit to anything earlier with any sense of definity. The vast majority of all payments will be made by end of February and it is only the 3% attached to the new classification structure rates that will remain outstanding for a few months.
EBA Negotiations have continued and are expected to end next week. There have been some positive changes, but the basic pay structure is still too vague to guarantee you a CPI increase every year.
Grade Minimum Maximum
G6 49,057 At least 35% more
G7 54,458 At least 35% more
G8 60,900 At least 35% more
G9 65,845 At least 35% more
G10 72,030 At least 35% more
G11 83,347 At least 35% more
G12 96,488 At least 35% more
G13 107,289 At least 35% more
G14 123,798 At least 35% more
EBA Negotiations have continued and are expected to end next week. There have been some positive changes, but the basic pay structure is still too vague to guarantee you a CPI increase every year.
The Court conducted a conciliation this week. Discussions will continue and the Court has set another date for Conciliation on 27 March. One significant development is that the claim is limited to CWU T&S Branch members only.
Telstra has announced its intention to proceed with a trial of a preferred rostering model in the Faults team in Telstra Contact Centres which impacts 113 employees. This trial seeks to address feedback from employees received through our engagement surveys about offering greater flexibility. If there are issues with the trial, please contact us and we can open consultation.
Telstra has confirmed that it is going ahead with the JV. It has responded to our questions a follows:
Q1. You advised that the JV will be bound by the Telstra EBA so new staff will be on the same conditions. How will the JV become bound by the Telstra EBA?
A1. In accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), new hires recruited into the proposed joint venture (JV) would be employed under a modern award, unless there is no modern award coverage. If a decision is made to proceed, further consideration would be given to what policy-based entitlements would also apply to future new hires. Additionally, subject to laws at the time and good faith bargaining, Accenture and Telstra propose to renegotiate the Telstra Limited EA 2024-2027 (and any successor) so that it will cover both Telstra Limited and JV employees during the term of the JV.
Q2. After 7 years, we were advised that Telstra will offer re-employment with Telstra. Can we see the document/contract/deed that will bind Telstra to that offer.
A2. As you would appreciate, the proposed agreement between Accenture and Telstra is considered commercial in confidence and therefore won't be shared. However, I can confirm that as part of the proposed deal terms, the JV workforce will be returned to Telstra at the conclusion of the term. The intention is that at the end of the 7-year term, and subject to applicable workplace laws and the EA, Telstra would make an offer of employment to employees of the JV. The offer of employment would be on no less favourable overall terms and would recognise service for service-related benefits.
Q3. Assuming that the JV employment offers have the same remuneration as now, will there be a sign on bonus or other incentive to sign up?
A3. An employee's fixed remuneration and STI would be maintained (noting that for employees on DB arrangements, they would need move to an accumulation fund). An additional sign on bonus or incentive is not proposed.
0428 942 878 Dan Dwyer
Secretary/Lawyer - industrial matters & advice
03 9663 6815 Administrative
eg payments, applications (Open 8am-4pm MTWT)
Authorised by Dan Dwyer Secretary
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